Scoglitti, Vittoria: Carabinieri contrast to the phenomenon of "fumaroles" in the province of Ragusa. A citizen caught while setting kilos of waste on fire was reported
The activity to combat criminal phenomena in environmental matters continues by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ragusa, also with activities aimed at stemming the phenomenon of so-called cc.dd. "fumaroles".
Scoglitti, Vittoria: Carabinieri contrast to the phenomenon of "fumaroles" in the province of Ragusa. A citizen caught while setting kilos of waste on fire was reported.
On the morning of the 15th, the soldiers of the Scoglitti Carabinieri station, during the territory control activity in the seaside hamlet they observed the presence of a dark cloud and perceived a strong acrid smell in the air, presumably attributable to the combustion of plastic materials. From what was observed, the Carabinieri, following the origin of the cloud, arrived near land owned by a citizen of Vittoria, DGG, cl. 45.
From the checks carried out immediately and on site, the military was able to document the presence of a large quantity of various waste, including plastic and agricultural processing waste. After having made the area affected by the combustion safe, the Carabinieri carried out investigations on the ground and, taking into account the flagrant crime in which DGG was caught, they referred him in a state of freedom to the Judicial Authority for "illicit combustion of waste", preventively seizing an area of approximately 100 mXNUMX affected by the combustion.
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