
Scoglitti, electricity theft: two Albanians reported

In Scoglitti, a hamlet of the municipality of Vittoria, during an inspection aimed at combating crimes against property, they identified two Albanians who had created a bypass on the meter to avoid electricity consumption.

Scoglitti (Ragusa), electricity theft: two Albanians reported

The fight against property crimes continues of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Ragusa.

Particularly, in recent days, the staff of the Scoglitti Carabinieri Station, they executed a check at a house in the seaside hamlet where anomalies emerged on the connection system to the electricity meters.

Therefore the Carabinieri, suspicious of these singularities, they took care of involving technical personnel from Enel which, with its own meters, noticed irregular electricity consumption; in-depth technical checks revealed the existence of an alteration to the system of electricity supply through a illicit cable wiring such as to tamper with the electricity meter.

After that Enel's technical staff proceeded to remove the tampered meter and restore the safety of the electrical system, the military identified the users of the property in TA and TA, Albanian citizens of cl.81 and cl.79 respectively, i.e. having completed the identification procedures they have them handed over in a state of freedom to the Judicial Authority for aggravated theft of electricity

.Scoglitti, furto energia elettrica: denunciati due albanesi

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