
Scicli: detention order for a 37-year-old foreigner who had been entrusted to social services

The measure was carried out by the Carabinieri after having ascertained the continuous violations of the regime that had been granted to him.

Scicli: detention order for a 37-year-old foreigner who had been entrusted to social services.

The military personnel of the Scicli Tenancy have executed a provision issued by the Ragusa Court - Criminal Enforcement Office, for the provisional suspension of the assignment to social services of of a 37 year old foreigner, resident in the baroque city, single and with numerous police records against him.

The measure, which ordered the imprisonment, arose following the repeated violations of the alternative measure to the detention regime that had been granted to the interested party, which were ascertained several times by the military of the local Tenancy.

His situation has also worsened following the report at large last week during the extraordinary control services of the territory arranged by the Modica Company Command, organized with the help of the 12th Carabinieri Regiment Sicily and, specifically, with the Operational Intervention Company (CIO). During these activities the man was found in possession of a knife, for which he did not provide justification as regards its carrying, and narcotic substances of the hashish type.

The acquisition of all these elements, with the confirmation in the field of the social danger of the subject of interest, meant that a more restrictive measure was placed on his personal freedom. Reason why, on the basis of these findings, the Judicial Authority suspended the probationary assignment to the social service and replaced the measure with the prison regime, considered the only tool for starting a re-educational process.

Therefore, also in this case, the Army has implemented its aim of guaranteeing a regular structure for what concerns the public order sector, in order to guarantee citizens a quiet life.

Scicli: ordine di carcerazione per un 37enne straniero che era stato affidato ai servizi sociali.

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