
Ragusa: young man from Vittoria stabbed during a fight between teenagers

The Carabinieri report an Albanian minor for aggravated personal injury and 5 young people for the crime of aggravated brawling.

Ragusa: young man from Vittoria stabbed during a fight between teenagers

The Carabinieri of the Operational Section of the Operational Nucleus of the Ragusa Company, with the support of the military of the Radiomobile Section, intervened on the evening of last Thursday, May 23, in an area adjacent to the Crispi High School in Ragusa where, following a heated argument between a group of young people from Vittoria and some minors of Albanian origin, a boy was hit by two stab wounds to the chest.

The young man, taken in red code to the Giovanni Paolo II hospital in Ragusa, was subsequently transferred to the Cannizzaro in Catania, where his conditions were immediately considered very serious, but fortunately not such as to put his life in danger. The immediate investigations promoted by the military of the Arma who immediately intervened following a report to the Single Emergency Number "112" by some residents of the area, allowed the identification of the person responsible for the attacks, who was reached and reported to the Juvenile Judicial Authority of Catania for the crime of aggravated personal injury and illegal possession of a bladed weapon.

The Carabinieri, who are reconstructing the dynamics of the events to identify all the participants in the clash, have also examined the position of the boys who allegedly took part in it. According to initial reconstructions, the facts seem to arise from reasons of a sentimental nature, probably attributable to disagreements regarding some girlfriends.

At the moment, five of the young people, all residents of the province of Ragusa, have been reported to the Iblea Judicial Authority for the crime of aggravated brawl.

Ragusa: giovane vittoriese accoltellato nel corso di una lite tra ragazzi

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