
Ragusa: He sneaks into a stately home to commit a theft, but gets stuck in the elevator. 29-year-old reported

The Carabinieri of the Ragusa Mobile Radio Section have reported to the Iblea Judicial Authority for attempted theft a 29-year-old from Ragusa with problems related to drug use who, yesterday afternoon, August 13, had furtively sneaked into a luxury home near Viale Europa.

Ragusa: He sneaks into a stately home to commit a theft, but gets stuck in the elevator. 29-year-old reported.

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of Ragusa They reported to the Iblea Judicial Authority for attempted theft a 29-year-old from Ragusa with problems related to drug use who, yesterday afternoon, 13 August, had furtively snuck into an elegant home near Viale Europa.

However, the choice to reach the upper floor of the house via the goods lift outside the house which, blocked due to a malfunction just as he was trying to penetrate inside, it trapped him, preventing him from escaping.

Upon returning home, the owners immediately noticed, through the transparent walls of the elevator, the shady figure who remained locked inside, and immediately alerted the police.

Together with the Carabinieri of the Ragusa Gazelle, the Fire Brigade arrived on site, once the man was freed, they handed him over to the military.

For him, convicted for other similar episodes, the referral to the Iblea Judicial Authority was triggered for the crime of attempted theft.

Ragusa: si intrufola in una casa signorile per compiere un furto, ma rimane bloccato in ascensore. Denunciato 29enne

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