Ragusa: extraordinary control of the territory by the Carabinieri to combat crimes in general
Once the identification procedures and the drafting of the formal documents were completed, the man was transferred to his home where he will remain at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
Ragusa: extraordinary control of the territory at a wide range by the Carabinieri to combat crimes in general.
A precautionary measure was carried out for “code red” against a man from Vittoria in aggravation of the ban on approaching the victim and two spouses reported for illicit disposal of waste by combustion, creating the "fumarole".
The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ragusa continue their activity of combating crimes in general, with the repression of behaviours against victims of crimes in the field of “code red” and environmental matters.
In particular, in recent days, the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Vittoria have carried out wide-ranging extraordinary control services to combat crimes in general.
The activity made it possible to trace a man from Vittoria and carry out a precautionary measure against him “code red” in aggravation of the ban on approaching the victim and two spouses reported for illegal disposal of waste by combustion, creating the “fumarole”.
The territorial checks focused on the municipality of Vittoria and the seaside village of Scoglitti, carrying out the following:
* the soldiers of the Scoglitti station, during the performance of a service for the prevention and repression of environmental crimes, with particular reference to the fight against the phenomenon of “fumaroles”, they observed the presence of a dark cloud and perceived a strong acrid odor in the air, presumably attributable to the burning of plastic materials.
From what was observed, the Carabinieri, following the origin of the cloud, arrived near a farm owned by two spouses from Vittoria.
From the checks carried out immediately after the events and on site, the military were able to document that the couple had created two areas within their company for the illegal disposal of waste and in particular they had stored plastic, glass and metal materials, and in which one of the two areas was still in the combustion phase.
After having made the area affected by the combustion and storage of waste safe, the Carabinieri carried out investigations on the ground and, taking into account the fact that the spouses were caught committing a crime, they handed them over in a state of freedom to the Judicial Authority for “illicit burning of waste" “waste disposal” and “throwing away things”, preventively seizing the affected area of approximately 300 mXNUMX.
* The soldiers of the Comiso station, during the performance of a territorial control service, tracked down and identified BG, living in Vittoria, already subjected to the measure of the ban on approaching the victim through the application of the anti-stalking bracelet in scope of measures relating to “code red”.
Following specific investigative activities carried out by the Carabinieri of Comiso and Scoglitti, together with the victim's declarations, they carried out the precautionary measure against him issued by the Judicial Authority to protect the victim, subjecting him to house arrest in addition to the measure to which he was already subjected .
Once the identification procedures and the drafting of the formal documents were completed, the man was transferred to his home where he will remain at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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