
Ragusa: caught red-handed selling hashish to a minor, reported

The young man was reported at large.

Ragusa: caught red-handed selling hashish to a minor, reported

The Carabinieri of the Operative and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Ragusa Company, during the constant monitoring and repression activity aimed at combating drug dealing in the Iblean capital, last weekend reported on the loose a 23-year-old Gambian citizen resident in the city, already known to the police, caught red-handed dealing hashish to a minor, in the central Piazza Matteotti.

The transfer, of a few grams, was discovered by the military personnel who intervened immediately the young man was subjected to a personal search and found a few other doses of the same narcotic, already packaged and ready to be sold.

Once the substance was seized, the Gambian was taken to the barracks for the relevant checks, at the end of which he was reported at large to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ragusa for possession of a small quantity of narcotic substance for the purpose of dealing. For the minor, however, the reporting to the local Prefecture as the employer; the path administratively foreseen for drug users will therefore begin for him.

Ragusa: sorpreso in flagranza a spacciare hashish ad un minorenne, denunciato

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