
Ragusa: Attacks a girl and steals her cell phone, 43-year-old reported

The girl was taken back to her home by the Carabinieri themselves.

Ragusa: Attacks a girl and steals her cell phone, 43-year-old reported

The Carabinieri of the Ragusa Principale Station have reported to the Iblea Judicial Authority for aggravated robbery a 43 year old from Ragusa that, last week, outside one of the premises in the port of Marina Ragusa he allegedly attacked a girl by taking away the mobile phone she was holding.

The young woman, also a local, was spending a moment of leisure in the company of a friend, in the setting of the bars and restaurants which, especially during the weekend, enliven the evenings of the major Iblean seaside resort, when suddenly she was reached of the man who, after a quick altercation, he hit her twice on the head, and then took her smartphone and walk away from the neighborhood.

The man, immediately identified by the Carabinieri as a person known to the victim, was reported to the Iblea Judicial Authority for the crime of aggravated robbery. The woman, following the complaint filed that same evening at the Ragusa Principale Station Command offices, where she went with her friend to tell the military what had happened, she was taken back to her home by the Carabinieri themselves, in order to avoid, at least for the evening, any further approaches by the arrested person.

Ragusa: aggredisce una ragazza e gli ruba il cellulare, 43enne denunciato

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