
Ispica: two foreigners reported for aggravated injuries

A 24-year-old and a 30-year-old were reported.

Ispica: two foreigners reported for aggravated injuries.

The military of the local station intervened to quell a violent fight between two foreigners that took place inside a property of a well-known company in the municipality of Ispica.

The two individuals, both of Tunisian origin and resident in Ispica, respectively a 24-year-old and a 30-year-old, who work for the same company as agricultural laborers, clashed over personal issues, outside of their professional sphere.

In fact, at the beginning of the shift, one of the two subjects approached his compatriot and while threatening him, headbutted him in the face, causing wounds that will heal in 3 days.
The attacked person, in turn, to defend himself, decided to grab a knife and stab his attacker, causing a wound to the abdomen that was judged to heal in 30 days.

The violent altercation aroused concern among those present and the immediate notification to the local Carabinieri, who, having arrived immediately on the scene, proceeded to carry out the necessary investigations, evaluating what had happened with the help of various video surveillance systems and interviewing with summary information those who could report elements useful to the investigation.

Despite the difficulties, the military managed to restore calm and prevent the situation from further degenerating, thus managing to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the events and attributing individual responsibilities to the two contenders.
Therefore, both interested parties were reported for aggravated personal injury.
Even in this case, the sudden presence of the military personnel prevented the situation from escalating into the involvement of more people, which could have caused problems for public order and safety.

Ispica: denuncia di due stranieri per lesioni aggravate.

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