Ispica: the person responsible for the murder of Giuseppe Barone has been arrested in Romania.

A 35-year-old Romanian man has been captured thanks to a European Arrest Warrant for the murder of Giuseppe Barone, a pensioner from Ispica, brutally murdered in December 2022.

Ispica: the person responsible for the murder of Giuseppe Barone has been arrested in Romania.

A suspect was arrested in Romania for the murder of Giuseppe Barone, committed in Ispica (RG) in December 2022.

At the conclusion of a detailed investigation, coordinated and directed by Public Prosecutor's Office of Ragusa and conducted in close synergy by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Ragusa, of the CC Company of Modica and of the CC Station of Ispica, on 31 December 2024 a European arrest warrant issued by the GIP at the Court of Ragusa against a 35-year-old Romanian. The man, formerly resident in Ispica, is being investigated in conjunction with two other compatriots for the crimes of “aggravated murder in competition, aggravated robbery in competition and killing of animals in competition”.

The murder in question is that of Giuseppe Barone, 79-year-old pensioner from Ispica, brutally murdered during the night between 25 and 26 December 2022. The victim, surprised inside his home, had been immobilized on a chair and repeatedly hit with kicks, punches and a blunt object, both to the head and to other vital regions of the body. Subsequently, Barone was abandoned dying on a bed, where he died due to the serious injuries sustained.

The suspects are also held responsible for the killing, with aggravating cruelty, of a parrot belonging to the victim, beheaded presumably to force Barone to reveal the location where he kept money or valuables.

During the inspection, it emerged that the entrance door of the victim's home had been forced from outside and that Barone's death had plausibly occurred during a robbery.

Thanks to the elements collected, the investigations led to the identification of the Romanian citizen, who in the days immediately following the crime had hastily abandoned Italy to return to Romania. The investigations carried out at the crime scene by the Biology Section of the RIS Carabinieri of Messina were decisive: a piece of clothing was found on the victim's clothing tiny bloodstain attributable to the suspect.

The motive for the crime can be traced back to a rapina committed by the murderer to take possession of money or other goods held by the victim.

The European Arrest Warrant, issued in the second decade of October 2024, was extended within the Schengen area to locate the suspect. The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ragusa, through the Service for International Police Cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior, collaborated with the Romanian police, leading to the arrest of the 35-year-old on December 31, 2024.

The suspect is currently being held in a Romanian prison awaiting trial. extradited to Italy.

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