Acate – Scoglitti: extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri to combat drug-related crimes
In recent days, the Carabinieri of the Vittoria Company have carried out extraordinary control services of the territory over a wide area in Acate and Scoglitti, a seaside hamlet of Vittoria, also with the support of the personnel of the Helicopter Squadron "Cacciatori di Sicilia".
Acate – Scoglitti: extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri to combat drug-related crimes
Extraordinary control of the territory at a wide range by the Carabinieri to combat crimes relating to drugs:
- in Acate two spouses arrested after being found in their house with a table set with 33 grams of cocaine while they were packaging it, he was already under house arrest for having been arrested two days earlier with 56 grams of cocaine in his underwear;
- in Scoglitti a young man found at home with 84 grams of hashish divided into doses and the sum of 575 euros plus packaging material.
The activity of contrasting drug-related crimes by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Ragusa, also with the help of specialized personnel. In particular, in recent days, the Carabinieri of the Vittoria Company have carried out extraordinary control services of the territory over a wide range in the territories of acate e Scoglitti, seaside hamlet of Vittoria, also with the support of the personnel of the Helicopter Squadron “Cacciatori di Sicilia”.
In particular:
Ad acate, the military personnel of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Vittoria Carabinieri Company proceeded with an ordinary check of CVs, acatese of 87, subjected to arrest since he was caught in possession of a narcotic substance of a certain type cocaine intended for drug dealing activities.
In fact, man alone Two days before, had been checked by the military on board his car while he was driving through the streets of Acate. The checks carried out immediately on his person allowed them to discover that the man was illegally holding, hidden inside his underwear, n.3 aluminum cans inside which there were 50 clear plastic wrappers containing narcotic substance of type cocaine with a total weight of approximately 20 grams, plus an additional plastic wrapper containing the same substance for a weight of approximately 36 gramsThe man was also found in possession of numerous small denomination banknotes, the provenance of which he could not explain, for a total value of approximately 985,00 €.
Following that check, he was reported to the Judicial Authority for arrest and subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest.
On September 13, the same day that the validation hearing for the previous arrest was held, the military proceeded to check the man to verify the correct execution of the house arrest to which he was already subjected and, having accessed his home, they also identified his spouse-cohabitant in SC, young man of '95.
The Carabinieri, after entering the kitchen, saw the table set with 65 white plastic wrappers, partly already heat-sealed and partly still to be sealed, for a total weight of approximately 33 grams, all of similar weight and workmanship, together with precision balance and various packaging material.
Given the way the drug was presented on the kitchen table, the military believed that the couple had been interrupted by the police check just as they were in the process of packaging and weighing the drug.
From what was learned immediately, the Carabinieri extended the investigations to the entire house, finding in various rooms of the house banknotes for a total sum of approximately 1.300 € the couple could not explain the origin of.
I Carabinieri They therefore seized the drugs, the material and the cash found and then accompanied the two spouses to the offices to fully identify them.
Once the formal procedures were completed, the military proceeded to report the spouses CV and SC to the police. arrest to the Judicial Authority for the crime of illicit possession of a narcotic substance of the cocaine type. As ordered by the Judicial Authority, the man, who was already under house arrest, was transferred to the Ragusa Prison while the wife was taken to her home under arrest arrest waiting to attend the summary hearing to validate the arrest.
On the morning of September 16, the Judicial Authority, having evaluated the elements acquired by the Carabinieri, validated the precautionary measure applied to the spouses, confirming for them the respective precautionary measures already in place.
** A Scoglitti, local station staff Carabinieri, together with the Helicopter Squadron of the “Sicilia” Hunters, proceeded to inspect the home of the Fire Brigade, young victoriase class 91.
The activity allowed us to find, hidden in the kitchen and bedroom, n.3 pieces of narcotic substance of the type "hashish“, for a total gross weight of grams 85 about, as well as the sum in banknotes with a value of 575 € e packaging and weighing material of the narcotic.
As a result of what emerged, the Carabinieri accompanied the young man to their offices and, once the formal procedures were completed, they reported him to the Judicial Authority for the crime of illegal possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing, and then accompany him to his home under the regime of arrest waiting for the very direct rite.
On the morning of September 14, the Judicial Authority evaluated the sources of evidence acquired by the Carabinieri and proceeded to validate the precautionary measure applied by the military to the young man.
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