Nas of Ragusa, numerous checks during the Christmas period

Restaurants, shops and RSAs are the premises affected by the checks

Nas of Ragusa, numerous checks during the Christmas period.

The activity of monitoring and combating illicit activities carried out in the field of food and health safety, carried out in the last months of 2022 by the Carabinieri of the NAS of Ragusa in the districts of competence, which intensified with the approach of the Christmas holidays, allowed to find numerous deficiencies and violations of both an administrative and criminal nature.

In total, in the areas mentioned above, have been carried out 85 inspections which made it possible to detect 24 criminal violations, 70 administrative offences, 10 subjects reported to the AG, 36 to the health and administrative authorities, the closure of 5 structures (of which 3 sanitary and 2 restaurant) For a total value of €10.613.700 and high administrative sanctions for a total amount of €600.420,00.

In this context, in the catering sector, the inspection activity carried out at a well-known restaurant on the island of Ortigia in the municipality of Syracuse is of particular importancewhere they were found large quantities of food in a poor state of preservation, without compliant labeling and ready to end up on customers' plates; furthermore, serious hygiene deficiencies in the premises and the failure to apply HACCP procedures were found; the on-site intervention of the local ASP doctors defined the ad horas closure measure for the business. The owners were charged with violations amounting to several thousand euros.
At in a restaurant in Gela (CL) similar hygienic deficiencies and lack of self-control procedures on food and in the handling and production phases were detected, so much so that the competent Asp, appropriately consulted, arranged for their immediate suspension.
Always in the same center, at one local accommodation facility, inspectors from the NAS of Ragusa subjected more than 50 kg of fish and meat products, ready for administration and held in a poor state of conservation, to the administrative seizure restriction.
Not only catering, the olive oil supply chain was also the subject of checks and checks, particularly flourishing in the autumn months. At a commercial establishment in Vittoria, NAS inspectors found and subjected to the seizure restriction more than one hundred liters of extra virgin olive oil. placed for sale without elements useful for traceability; the quantity was then sampled and sent for laboratory analysis to ensure its authenticity.

Numerous checks were carried out in the vicinity of the Christmas holidays in general, which made it possible to find thousands of products, such as Christmas decorations and lights, without markings in the shops, mostly oriental, located in the provinces of Ragusa, Siracusa and Caltanissetta. CE and/or indications and warnings on risks in Italian, therefore potentially harmful to public health. In total, more than a thousand pieces intended for sale were seized and fines were imposed against the owners of the businesses amounting to several thousand euros.

In the social-welfare sector, in the city of Syracuse several accommodation facilities for the elderly were discovered without registration in the municipal register and disorganized to the point of offering services well below regional health standards. As a result of the inspection activities, the structures in question were the recipients of the relevant closure/suspension and/or adaptation measures to the requirements established by law.
In the municipality of Gela (CL) the inspection activity carried out at a well-known local RSA made it possible to ascertain serious deficiencies in organisational, functional and welfare matters offered to the particular type of user, as well as problems relating to fire prevention. Once the bodies in charge were concerned about the serious non-conformities detected, the suspension of the activity was ordered and the relocation of the guests to other structures.

The operation performed at another is significant RSA of the municipality of Comiso (RG), where in light of as many anomalies and non-conformities to the regional standards, the competent ASP was involved and ordered the blocking of admissions at the facility in question and the relocation of the patients to other departments of the PO of Comiso.
In San Cataldo (CL), a retirement home for the elderly was suspended because it was discovered to be operating without the required authorized qualifications, hygienic-structural deficiencies, expansion of accommodation capacity, dysfunctionality in relation to regional standards of assistance.

Nas di Ragusa, numerosi controlli nel periodo natalizio

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