
San Giovanni in Croce: He insults, mistreats and beats his mother, precautionary measure of prohibition of approach carried out

forced to wear an electronic bracelet after mistreating his mother

San Giovanni in Croce: He insults, mistreats and beats his mother, precautionary measure of prohibition of approach carried out

The Carabinieri of the San Giovanni in Croce Station they subjected a man to the measure of being removed from the family home and forbidden to approach the injured party issued by the Court of Cremona to protect the mother of the man who had been abused. The precautionary measure was issued following the investigative activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the San Giovanni in Croce Station which they collected a complaint from a woman regarding the conduct of her cohabiting son.

In fact, the abusive behaviors are said to have started some time ago, but have only recently been revealed by the offended party who was allegedly insulted, threatened and beaten several times by her son, who had control over the woman also from an economic point of view and who prevented any contact between the mother and people outside the family. And the woman was very scared that her son might react violently towards her, as had already happened.

After having retraced what had happened over time and having never notified the Carabinieri due to fear, being fragile and not having the ability to defend himself, the investigations began and were then reported to the Judicial Authority which, taking into account the frequency and the extent of the reported incidents considered to be such as to disturb the normal living conditions of the injured party, issued the order to protect the woman, requiring the man to immediately leave the family home and not to go near the places frequented by the mother.

The man will also be fitted with an electronic bracelet to remotely monitor compliance with the measure. The measure was immediately notified by the Carabinieri of San Giovanni in Croce.

San Giovanni in Croce: Insulta, maltratta e percuote la madre, eseguita misura cautelare del divieto di avvicinamento

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