Agnadello: the Carabinieri of the Crema Radiomobile find stolen goods on two trucks parked near a logistics area

The Carabinieri of the Crema Radiomobile Unit, during their territorial control operations, recovered stolen goods that had been stolen from two articulated trucks parked in a logistics area in Agnadello.

Agnadello: the Carabinieri of the Crema Radiomobile find stolen goods on two trucks parked near a logistics area

La night of January 9th, the patrol of the Crema Radiomobile Unit was in the Agnadello area, near a logistics hub, and noted that a truck, parked in that area, had a trailer tarp cut.

They made a checking the area to identify the perpetrators of the crime and they noticed that another truck had suffered damage taking into account that unknown persons had forced open the rear doors of the heavy vehicle. Goods, including household cleaning products and laundry detergents, had been unloaded from both trucks and placed on the road in the immediate vicinity.

Agnadello: i Carabinieri della Radiomobile di Crema ritrovano della refurtiva rubata su due camion parcheggiati nei pressi di un’area logistica

The products were returned to the truck drivers, who had not noticed the theft attempts, and further investigations are underway to identify who committed these criminal actions.

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