Casalmaggiore: bags stolen in supermarket parking lots, three men reported for theft by sleight of hand

The Carabinieri of the Casalmaggiore Operational Unit have reported three men believed to be responsible for a theft and an attempted theft by sleight of hand that occurred at the end of last September.

Casalmaggiore: bags stolen in supermarket parking lots, three men reported for theft by sleight of hand

The Carabinieri of the Casalmaggiore Operational Unit have reported three men aged 33, 29 and 26, with previous police records, for theft by sleight of hand, believed to be responsible for having stolen a bag from a woman from Casalmaggiore and for having attempted a similar theft, events which occurred at the end of last September.

The investigation began with complaints filed by two women who had reported to the Casalmaggiore military that that morning they had suffered a theft and an attempted theft of their handbags in the parking lots of two different supermarkets in Casalmaggiore, using the tried and tested technique of dropping coins on the ground..

The victims, just out of the supermarkets, had put their shopping in their respective cars and started driving, but they had heard a knock on the window and had seen a man who warned them that they had lost some coins near the doors. They had gotten out and when they got back into their vehicles, one had no longer found her purse that she had left on the passenger seat, while the other victim had noticed the theft and had started screaming attracting the attention of those present, then she had reached the thief and had managed to recover her purse. That same afternoon, still outside the supermarket, the purse stolen from the first victim had been found and contained all the documents and personal effects, but the money was missing.

Casalmaggiore: rubano borse nei parcheggi dei supermercati, denunciati tre uomini per furto con destrezza


Consequently, the Casalmaggiore military started investigations and reconstructed what happened also through public and private video surveillance images present in the areas of the thefts, from which it was possible to see that the car used by the alleged thieves was the same. Through the databases in use, they ascertained that the car had been rented, identifying the person who had rented it and verifying who had been checked on board the same vehicle in various regions of northern Italy, after having committed similar thefts. At the end of the investigations, the three, considered the perpetrators of the two crimes, were reported for theft by sleight of hand.

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