Casalmaggiore: 44-year-old criminal reported for sleight of hand theft

The Carabinieri of the Casalmaggiore Operative Unit have reported a man believed to be responsible for a theft with dexterity. The man, together with an accomplice yet to be identified, allegedly stole a purse from a woman in Casalmaggiore at the beginning of last October.

Casalmaggiore: 44-year-old criminal reported for sleight of hand theft

The Carabinieri of the Casalmaggiore Operational Unit have reported for theft by sleight of hand a 44-year-old man, with a criminal record, believed to be responsible for having stolen, with an accomplice yet to be identified, a bag from a woman from Casalmaggiore, an event that occurred at the beginning of last October.

The investigation began with a complaint filed by a woman who told the Casalmaggiore police that she had gone to an office for private reasons that morning and had parked her car nearby. When she left, she put her purse on the passenger seat, but shortly afterward she saw a woman get out of a car who was gesticulating with the intent of attracting her attention, indicating that there was a wallet on the ground. The victim got out of her car and picked up the wallet and the woman who had pointed it out told her that it had probably been lost by someone who had gone into a bar in the area. The woman, being in a hurry, left the wallet in the office where she had previously gone, but when she left she realized that her purse, containing documents, money and other items, had been stolen from her car.

Casalmaggiore: denunciato 44enne pregiudicato per furto con destrezza

Consequently, the Casalmaggiore military started the investigations and reconstructed what happened also through the public and private video surveillance images of the area, from which it was possible to see the car used. Through the databases in use they ascertained that the car had been rented, identifying the person who had rented it and who had used it that day. For this reason, he was reported for theft with dexterity.

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