Casalmaggiore, Carabinieri checks in nightlife venues to maintain order and public safety
The Carabinieri carried out an extraordinary control service on Friday 19 July with checkpoints, surveillance of nightlife venues and checks in public places. They checked 173 people, inspected 57 vehicles and ten public places.
Casalmaggiore (Cremona), Carabinieri checks in nightlife areas to maintain public order and safety.
Friday July 19th, at the start of the weekend, the Carabinieri of the Company of Casalmaggiore they conducted, in the evening, a coordinated extraordinary control service which affected the municipality of Casalmaggiore, with the use of seven patrols of the Stations of Torre de Picenardi, Sospiro, Gussola and Casalmaggiore, of the Radiomobile Section and of the Operational Quota of Cremona.
The objectives of the service were the protection of public order and safety by combating crimes, especially predators, and to the conduct connected with the phenomena of urban decay and deviance.
From 20.00pm to 02.00am on July 20th, the patrols they checked streets, squares, the train station, gardens, young people's meeting places and floodplain areas targeted by nautical thefts of parts of boats moored at the piers of the Po river, also carrying out numerous checkpoints on the main access and exit routes from the city and flying checks on cars with suspicious people on board.
Overall, 173 people were identified, some of which are of operational interest because they already have police records against them, and checks have been carried out on 57 vehicles. The control activity in the field of road traffic it allowed three violations of the highway code to be raised with fines of a few hundred euros. I ten public places were inspected, between bars, slot machine halls and neighborhood businesses, without finding any violations.
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