Randazzo: Culture of legality and respect for the rules, students meet the Carabinieri
meetings between students and the weapon
Randazzo: Culture of legality and respect for the rules, students meet the Carabinieri
Numerous continue the meetings inserted in the campaign conducted by the Carabinieri, in agreement with the MIUR, aimed at spreading the Culture of Legality in schools and beyond. In the last few days in fact, the doors of the Randazzo barracks were opened to two third-grade classes of the middle school. The students of the “Spedalieri-Castiglione” Comprehensive Institute of Bronte, accompanied by their teachers, visited, for their first time, a Carabinieri Company Command.
The Company Commander, Captain Luca D'Ambrosio, together with the military personnel of the Station, the Operational Unit and the Radiomobile of Randazzo, has welcomed visiting students, illustrating the structure and functions of the force, as well as offering a glimpse into daily life inside the “Carabiniere's house”. The occasion turned out to be truly special, as mafia victim Eugenio Di Francesco was also present.
The entrepreneur originally from Riesi, in the province of Caltanissetta, told his incredible story of legality, reminding the students to have courage, and to know how to say no to the mafia, but he also underlined the importance of reporting and collaborating with the Police and the Judicial Authority. The boys were then accompanied to the premises of the Operations Centre, where they were shown the sophisticated equipment and how the single emergency number “112” works.
Afterwards, the Commander of the Operational Unit offered them a demonstration of some typical fingerprint acquisition methods, giving students the opportunity to simulate an intervention on a crime scene, and to put themselves in the shoes of young investigators. The staff of the Operational Unit also has illustrated how the “photo-signalling” takes place, how an identikit is created and how fingerprints and DNA are recorded. The, which attracted considerable interest and enthusiasm from the kids, It was also made possible thanks to the attention and prompt response of the school principal and teachers in seizing this opportunity.
Numerous meetings are already scheduled for the current school year, both in the schools of the Etna area and at the Randazzo Barracks. The initiative aims to promote moments of discussion and awareness, actively involving students and teachers. The hope, shared by the organizers, is that events like these can become a point of reference for the new generations, pushing them to develop a more mature civic sense. Through dialogue and information, the aim is to spread the culture of legality and respect for the rules, encouraging young people to responsibly exercise their rights and to consolidate trust in the institutions.
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