San Gregorio di Catania: he shows up at the cash register with meat and cold cuts “discounted” by his friend at the butcher’s counter, both reported

The shopping bags had adhesive receipts far below the actual price.

San Gregorio di Catania (Catania): he shows up at the cash register with meat and cold cuts “discounted” by his friend at the butcher's counter, both reported

They had agreed at the counter, a 41-year-old from Sant'Agata Li Battiati and a 39-year-old from Catania, the two reported by the Carabinieri of San Gregorio for "attempted aggravated theft by fraudulent means".

And in fact the two friends, the 41-year-old customer and the 39-year-old employee of the butcher's department of a supermarket in the area, had filled two out of three bags and then the customer showed up at the checkout.
And in fact, the cashier became suspicious of the large number of packages contained in the bags, even though they were contained in envelopes priced with adhesive receipts, decided to verify the consistency of the expenditure.

From the inspection carried out, it was revealed that the 41-year-old had presented himself to pay for 3 bags on which two adhesive receipts of 7,50 euros each and one of 4,50 euros had been applied; in fact, the envelopes contained goods with a commercial value of 62,19 euros. And again, in two of the three bags, although the adhesive receipt had been applied by the delicatessen department, there were other products coming from the butcher's department. The latter, regularly priced, however, they had indications that differed from the actual content: in the wrapper on which there was the indication "very fine minced meat" there was a silverside, while in the one on which there was the indication "boiled" there was some minced meat.

Finally, the third bag contained various delicatessen products without any labeling indicating type or price.

The Carabinieri of the station, who intervened in the phases of the check at the cash registers of the point of sale, collected all the investigative elements and therefore discovered the "system" devised to obtain a substantial discount on the shopping, admitted by the two accused, communicated what happened to the Authority Judicial.

San Gregorio di Catania (CT): si presenta alle casse con carne e salumi “scontati” dall’amico al banco macelleria, denunciati entrambi

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