Riposto: The Carabinieri intervene thinking they are foiling a robbery, but they find more than 5 kg of cocaine
territory control, two arrests
Riposto: The Carabinieri intervene thinking they are foiling a robbery, but they find more than 5 kg of cocaine
As part ofintensification of territorial control, as ordered by the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Catania, in order to guarantee greater safety for citizens and to combat widespread illegality, the military personnel of the Giarre Operational Section, on the basis of the evidence collected to be verified in court, have A 50-year-old from Giarre and a 34-year-old from Acireale were arrested for possession of drugs for the purpose of dealing. A patrol that was driving along a peripheral road in Riposto spotted a large-engined car left running, with no one on board, in the forecourt of a gas cylinder shop.
Suspicious, the military decided to carry out a check, so they entered the courtyard and then, having reached the shed used as an office, they found the door wide open and the light on. Just as the Carabinieri, with the necessary precautions, were organizing themselves to enter, hypothesizing a possible robbery in progress, the owner came out of the back room, followed by the 34-year-old, owner of the vehicle. However, the two immediately showed clear signs of nervousness in front of the military: they mumbled disjointed sentences and their faces turned red, as if they had been caught red-handed.
This suspicious attitude did not escape the watchful eye of the investigators, who, determined to shed light on the situation, decided to inspect the back room. What apparently seemed to be a simple warehouse hid something else: between a bicycle, a sheet and a bucket, the Carabinieri noticed something unusual, and in fact, a soldier grabbed the bag hidden in the bucket and, inside, found 9 bags full of cocaine, weighing almost 2 kg. At that point the patrol called for reinforcements and, together with the colleagues who arrived to support them, searched the entire building until, looking at the sign of the commercial activity, a Carabinieri noticed that it had some loose screws and, therefore, decided to examine it carefully.
The intuition turned out to be correct because in fact, inside, the Carabinieri found 5 more bags of cocaine, for over 3,5 kg of drugs. The two accomplices were arrested and made available to the Judicial Authority which, validated the arrest, he ordered the precautionary measure in prison for them. The military of the Arma then seized the drugs, which placed on the market, would have guaranteed earnings of approximately €400.000.
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