
Mascalucia: Building abuses in the construction of three terraced houses, 4 people reported

Building abuses, 2 building contractors and 2 technicians reported

Mascalucia: Building abuses in the construction of three terraced houses, 4 people reported

The extraordinary control activities of the territory continue without stopping, conducted by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command, aimed at protecting the landscape and respecting building regulations. In this context, the military of the Mascalucia Tenancy, with the support of the personnel of the technical office of the Municipality, have carried out a series of checks aimed at combating building abuses, thus ensuring the safety and integrity of the municipal territory.

In this context of verification and prevention, the military's attention was focused on a construction site for the construction of three terraced houses. The investigations have brought to light a series of irregularities in the constructions, which showed discrepancies with the projects submitted for obtaining building permits.

In detail, the Carabinieri and the municipal technicians confirmed the presence of an external staircase, built to connect the two floors of the building, and a ceiling height much higher than that authorised. These changes would have significantly increased the total volume of the villas., exceeding what was permitted, and would have allowed the creation of a habitable attic space, effectively transformed into a loft, thus creating additional space.

Such building abuses would have allowed the builder to sell the properties at a higher price, thanks to the extra volume and the possibility of making each housing unit independent thanks to the external staircase. However, the irregularities would have caused problems for the buyers during the process of obtaining the habitability certificate, which would never have been granted due to the discrepancies detected compared to the initial project.

Faced with these abuses, The investigators reported to the Judicial Authority both the owner of the structures, a 44-year-old from Nicolosi, and the owner of the company contracted for the works, a 49-year-old man, together with the 37-year-old site manager and the 64-year-old engineer director of the works, all residents of Mascalucia. They were charged with liability for "essential variations with respect to the building permit, in conjunction with each other". Furthermore, as a precautionary measure, The Carabinieri proceeded to seize the villas to prevent the abuses from having further consequences.

Mascalucia: Abusi edilizi nella costruzione di tre villette a schiera, denunciate 4 persone

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