Explosion in Catania due to a gas leak: a building collapsed, several injured and extensive damage

Catania in shock: an explosion caused by a gas leak causes a building in the San Giovanni Galermo district to collapse, causing injuries and serious damage.

Explosion in Catania due to a gas leak: a building collapsed, several injured and extensive damage.

A devastating explosion, presumably caused by a gas leak, rocked the San Giovanni Galermo district of Catania today, leaving a trail of destruction and fear. The roar, which was also clearly felt in other parts of the city, caused the collapse of a three-story building and seriously damaged two other adjacent structures.

The dynamics of the accident  

The accident occurred while specialized technicians were working to identify a leak in the city's gas network. The road had already been closed to traffic to allow for operations, but the sudden explosion transformed the area into a field of rubble. Three teams of Firefighters from the Catania provincial command intervened immediately on site, supported by the special Nbcr (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological) units and the Usar (Urban Search and Rescue) dog units.

The provisional toll speaks of at least ten injured, some of whom are in serious condition. Among them, a 66-year-old man with extensive burns, transported in red code to the Cannizzaro hospital, and a 51-year-old woman, hit by the shock wave but not in danger of life. Also two firefighters, two 118 operators, three gas technicians and a municipal engineer are among the injured.

The affected area: rubble, flames and evacuations

The explosion transformed via Galermo into an apocalyptic scene: a completely gutted building engulfed in flames, debris scattered for hundreds of meters, torn-off fences and destroyed cars. One of the cars, set on fire by the shock wave, continued to sound its alarm while rescuers worked tirelessly to secure the area and search for any victims or missing persons.

Esplosione a Catania per una fuga di gas: crollata una palazzina, diversi feriti e danni ingenti

The mayor of Catania, Enrico Trantino, who rushed to the scene of the accident, declared: *“There is news of people injured, some seriously, but fortunately there were no victims. The toll could have been much more serious, but these are public housing blocks undergoing renovation, so they were not completely inhabited”*.

As a precaution, the authorities decided to evacuate the nearby buildings and transfer the evacuees to an exhibition center and the Palazzetto dello Sport in Piazza Spedini. The center of the Opera diocesana di assistenza, which houses many elderly people, was also evacuated.

Consequences and further safety measures  

An hour after the explosion, the gas channeled underground continued to cause minor explosions, blowing up some manholes. The Fire Department is working to secure the network and prevent further risks, while the police have blocked all access roads to via Galermo to facilitate the arrival of ambulances and emergency vehicles.

The Catania prosecutor's office has opened an investigation to determine the exact causes of the accident. *"At the moment it is not clear what caused the gas leak,"* Mayor Trantino stressed, adding that every available resource has been activated to deal with the emergency.

A still uncertain balance

The area remains shrouded in smoke, with small fires yet to be tamed, while rescue teams continue to monitor the area to rule out the presence of further injuries or missing persons. The official toll speaks of about ten injuries, but the number could increase in the coming hours.

Catania, still in shock, gathers around the people affected by this dramatic event. The hope is that the timely work of the rescuers and the precautionary evacuations have avoided an even more serious toll.

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