
Catania: Business activity suspended, 3 “illegal” workers discovered and owners reported

Business activity suspended, 3 “illegal” workers discovered and owners reported

Catania: Business activity suspended, 3 “illegal” workers discovered and owners reported

The Carabinieri of the Catania Labor Inspectorate Unit, supported by the territorial force, They carried out an inspection service at 3 commercial activities in the city, in order to verify compliance with the rules on social legislation and the obligations related to safety in the workplace, for the protection of employees and more generally of the legal economy.

In this context, A 21-year-old restaurateur from Catania was reported because he had not subjected his employees to mandatory medical examinations and had not even trained them adequately in relation to the work to be carried out. This posed a serious health hazard to workers who, for example, handled potentially harmful electrical equipment, such as slicers, without having been previously trained in how to operate the machinery; man, moreover, it had not even foreseen the DVR risk assessment document, which is mandatory for all companies with at least one employee.

The activity then involved a training institution owned by a 49-year-old, in whose premises the Carabinieri found a lack of maintenance of fire-fighting equipment, namely fire extinguishers, thus reporting the owner.

Finally, a grill restaurant was checked, where, in addition to the lack of training of employees, who were not even subjected to a medical examination, the presence of 3 out of 5 irregular workers was ascertained and, for this reason, in addition to the complaint of the manager, a 21-year-old, the activity was suspended until the entrepreneur regularizes the employment status of the employees.

Overall, the employment status of 17 employees found to be at their workplaces was verified, and sanctions of €14.750 and fines of €11.500 were contested, with the recovery of €4.200 of INPS/INAIL welfare contributions.

Catania: Sospesa attività imprenditoriale, scoperti 3 lavoratori “in nero” e denunciati i titolari

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