Catania: Retail and wholesale drugs, 2 arrests by the Carabinieri

two arrests for drug dealing

Catania: Retail and wholesale drugs, 2 arrests by the Carabinieri

The Catania Carabinieri are continuing their work without stopping fight against the phenomenon of drug dealing and use, an illicit business that feeds the coffers of organized crime. In this context, the Carabinieri of the Operational Nucleus of the Catania Piazza Dante Company, on the basis of the evidence collected to be verified in court, have A 27-year-old and a 20-year-old, both from Catania, were arrested for joint drug dealing. The investigations began following information gathered by the Carabinieri personnel, who, thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the area, learned of the existence of an intense drug dealing activity by two pushers, which had as their logistical base an apartment in the San Giorgio district.

To verify the validity of the news, The military has started a discreet monitoring of the area, dividing into two teams, one upstream and one downstream of the road and, after a short while, they identified a property where many cars often stopped. In particular, Investigators observed that drivers, after knocking on the door and entering, would leave after only a few minutes, a typical pattern of drug dealing. To support this investigative hypothesis, a team followed a small car that had just stopped at the house under surveillance, then stopping it in an area far from the place of the drug dealing, so as not to arouse suspicion in those who were inside the apartment.

During the inspection, the driver, a 20-year-old, was found in possession of 13 doses of marijuana weighing 25 grams, as well as 50 euros. Once everything was clarified and the dynamics of the illegal activity were understood, The Carabinieri who remained stationed in Via del Passero launched the blitz, entering the house and surprising the other pusher while he was tidying up the material used to package the drugs.

The young man had with him almost 5.000 euros in cash and, from the examination of his cell phone it emerged that it was he who, after packaging the drugs, gave the 20-year-old instructions on what deliveries to make. The two accomplices were therefore arrested and placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority, which, after having validated the act, he ordered the precautionary measure of house arrest for them.

Catania: Droga al dettaglio e all’ingrosso, 2 arresti dei Carabinieri

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