Catania: He doesn't accept separation and attacks his ex-partner, 42-year-old arrested

an arrest

Catania: He doesn't accept separation and attacks his ex-partner, 42-year-old arrested

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Catania are always very attentive to the phenomena of gender violence. In this context, the military personnel of the Catania Radiomobile Unit have 42 year old man from Catania arrested, on the basis of elements collected to be verified in court, for aggravated injuries against his ex-partner, a 40 year old resident in the same city. The intervention took place following a Report to the emergency number 112 made by a girl, who had urgently requested the presence of a patrol near a bar located close to Piazza Europa, where a fight between ex-partners was escalating.

Arrived quickly on site, the soldiers found the victim, visibly shaken, and shortly after identified the alleged attacker, still presentThe man was immediately identified and secured. The 40-year-old, reassured by the presence of the military, told what happened. According to his story, the events had begun the previous evening, when her ex-partner had shown up unannounced at the home of an acquaintance, where she was staying, in an attempt to meet her to discuss, not accepting the end of their relationship.

Although the landlady had checked that the man was calm before letting him in, once inside, he he had started to heavily insult his ex-partner. Subsequently, insistently, he had managed to convince her to go out for a drink and a chat. The couple then went to a first bar, where, despite everything, they had had a heated confrontation. The tensions continued during the subsequent car trips., culminating in a violent physical assault while on their way to a pub near Piazza Europa. During the journey, the man had insulted the woman, hitting her in the face and pulling her hair.

The situation further degenerated when the assailant suddenly pulled the car's handbrake, stopping it abruptly. He then forcefully grabbed the woman's hand and threatened to break her finger. The victim, despite being in an extremely dangerous situation, managed to calm him down temporarily, thus resuming driving to reach the premises. Once they arrived in front of the business, however, The woman's screams from inside the car attracted the attention of a friend, already present at the scene, who immediately contacted 112 thus requiring the providential intervention of the Carabinieri.

The victim later reported that, during their relationship, the man had already shown violent and obsessive behavior, even going as far as to harass her at work out of jealousy. The investigators' findings confirmed that the 42-year-old had already been the recipient of warnings for similar incidents. Furthermore, he had been reported for threats and assault and had served a period of house arrest for violating the ban on approaching the woman. In light of the evidence gathered and the statements made, the man was arrested. The Judicial Authority, after validating the arrest, he ordered him to be placed under house arrest with the application of an electronic bracelet.

Catania: Non accetta la separazione e aggredisce la ex compagna, arrestato 42enne

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