Catania: checks by the Carabinieri of the Messina Bordonaro Station, together with the operational intervention team in the southern districts and neighborhoods of the city
Checked more than 200 vehicles and over 300 people.
Catania: checks by the Carabinieri of the Messina Bordonaro Station, together with the operational intervention team in the southern neighborhoods and districts of the city.
The Carabinieri of the Messina Bordonaro Station and the Operational Intervention Team, units of the 12th Carabinieri Regiment "Sicilia" of Palermo in support of the territorial departments of the force, carried out joint patrol activities in the neighborhoods of the southern area of the capital.
In particular, the military personnel of the Arma carried out checkpoints and dynamic patrols, both during the day and in the evening and night hours, in the Bordonaro and Villaggio S. Annibale neighborhoods, known as “Case Gialle”, aimed at preventing crimes and other illicit activities, following which they checked more than 200 vehicles and over 300 people.
Several checks were carried out on people subjected to measures restricting personal freedom or entrusted to probation by order of the Judicial Authority, with the consequent arrest of 4 people, who had violated the provisions imposed on them, of which 2 were taken to the Gazzi prison and 2 were placed under house arrest.
During the checks carried out in the city streets, 4 people, including a minor, were reported to the Prefecture of Messina as drug users, having been found in possession of doses of marijuana, hashish and cocaine, held for personal use, while, with regard to compliance with road traffic regulations, numerous violations were contested, mainly concerning conduct that seriously endangers the safety of motorists and pedestrians.
In particular, 8 people were found driving without a license, because it had never been obtained or revoked, of which 6 were fined and 2 reported for having committed the same violation in the last 2 years, with the consequent detention and administrative seizure, for all, of their respective cars.
Furthermore, following the checks carried out, the Carabinieri reported a person for having provided false identity statements and for driving a vehicle subject to administrative seizure, while two other people were reported for unjustified possession of weapons or objects capable of causing harm, found in their vehicles.
The services of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Messina and of the Operational Intervention Team of the 12th Regiment "Sicilia" of Palermo will continue in the coming days, in the various districts and neighborhoods of the city.
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