Catania: Another precautionary measure for the 17-year-old linked to the Santapaola-Ercolano family. Indicted for mafia association, possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and illegal possession of weapons

He is still in prison (juvenile) when he receives another notification of a custody order as he is seriously suspected of numerous crimes.

Catania: Another precautionary measure for the 17-year-old linked to the Santapaola-Ercolano family. Indicted for mafia association, possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and illegal possession of weapons

At the request of Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court, the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Catania they carried out aprecautionary custody order in prison, issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge at the Juvenile Court of Catania, against a 17enne, relative of one of the leaders of a criminal group close to the Santapaola-Ercolano family of Cosa Nostra Etna, since he was considered seriously suspected of the crimes of mafia-type association, possession for the purpose of dealing narcotic substances and detention e illegal possession of firearms, all aggravated by the mafia method and by having committed the acts with the aim of facilitating the activity of the mafia association to which they belong.

The precautionary order reached the young man in the juvenile prison where he was already detained for another case.

The investigation originates from a complex investigative activity, launched in 2023 by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate (DDA) of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Catania, which led to the arrest of nine adults, eight of whom belonged to the Santapaola-Ercolano clan and one to the Cappello clan, seriously suspected of mafia association, possession and carrying of a firearm and drug-related crimes (operation conventionally called “LEONIDS”).

The arrest order issued at the time by the DDA, executed on 19 December 2023, was motivated by the extremely urgent nature of the matter: the investigative findings, in fact, had brought to light the planning, in an advanced stage, of a murderous attack against Pietro Gagliano (subject indicated in the conversations of the suspects as belonging to the opposing “Cappello-Bonaccorsi” clan) at work of some prominent figures of the mafia association “Santapaola-Ercolano”.

The plan would have originated from what happened on the evening of October 21, 2023 in the “Passereddu” area, San Cristoforo district, where – following an argument between members of the aforementioned gangs – Pietro Salvatore Gagliano allegedly fired 4 gunshots at members of the Catania “Cosa Nostra” family.

Two of the latter, who remained unharmed, immediately decided to take armed revenge in order to punish the affront suffered, despite indications to the contrary coming from other members of the investigated gang.

The investigative developments allowed for the issuing of a further precautionary custody order, Operation “LEONIDI BIS”, carried out at the request of the Etna DDA August 2th, 2024, towards 13 adult subjects, considered to be seriously indicted, to varying degrees, of crimes of mafia-type association, association for the purpose of drug trafficking and possession for the purpose of dealing.

Overall, the investigations, conducted and finalized thanks to technical activity and close checks on the territory, would have succeeded in demonstrating the attempt of those arrested to reorganize the structures of the groups of the mafia association "Santapaola-Ercolano", severely hit over time by the incessant repressive action of the judiciary and the police forces.

On many occasions it would have been possible to appreciate a clear distinction between the action of the "old mafia" of the "big ones" (i.e. the older and long-standing associates) on the one hand, and the action of the "young mafia", unscrupulous, impetuous, accustomed to displaying status symbols on social media and to a life of pleasure, on the other.

In parallel, in fact, the investigations coordinated by the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office of Catania, have allowed to ascertain serious evidence of guilt against the boy arrested on January 22 for facts related to the dynamics that involved the two aforementioned criminal groups, even though the minor did not participate in organizing the murder attempt.

Catania: Altra misura cautelare per il 17enne legato alla famiglia Santapaola-Ercolano. Indiziato per associazione mafiosa, detenzione di sostanze stupefacenti ai fini di spaccio e porto illegale d'armi

The investigative findings, which led to the issuing of the precautionary measure de quo, they have proven at the level of circumstantial gravity how the 17-year-old joined the criminal association, managing to obtain a prominent role within it during the short period of time in which he had returned to his home territory.

The young man, in fact, had previously been placed in a community for minors far from Sicilian territory, for the first time on February 14, 2023, from which he left to return to Catania.

Tracked down and brought back to the community, on the following 8th March he managed to escape again and return to the Etna capital thanks to the collaboration of the members of the Catania criminal association, before being finally arrested, on the following 28th March, in execution of a prison order.

During the period of detention and, more precisely, the 18 October 2023, he was notified another precautionary measure in IPM (Operation “Duty”), in relation to which facts he was sentenced, in the first instance, to the penalty of 6 years in prison; sentence against which the appeal is pending. The minor's marked dangerousness had already emerged in this context.

In fact, on the evening of 27 February 2023, in competition with four other adults, similarly reached by a precautionary measure in prison obtained by the DDA of the Etna District Attorney's Office, flaunting the availability of pistols, would have implemented a violent beating of two young peers, causing injuries to one of them that were deemed curable in ten days.

In particular, one of the victims, after being surrounded by the gang, allegedly received a blow to the head with the butt of the gun and, immediately afterwards, a sequence of kicks and punches from the group; a violent action that was not interrupted even at the sight of the bleeding wounds, in front of which the attackers continued their action shouting to kill him.

The investigations referred to in today's provision have demonstrated, in this investigative phase at the level of circumstantial gravity and subject to subsequent procedural and jurisdictional scrutiny, how the minor, evoking the blood relationship with a member of the criminal group emanating from the “Santapaola-Ercolano” clan, currently detained and subjected to the 41 bis regime of the Penitentiary System, he allegedly attempted to assert his role within the criminal organization, actively participating in decision-making meetings, and imposing himself with violent methods and demanding that their requests always be accepted.

He also, allegedly participated in the management of drug trafficking in the neighborhoods of San Cristoforo and San Giovanni Galermo, receiving one weekly salary and even demanding a share of the proceeds and to be constantly informed of the aforementioned illegal activities.

In this context he also allegedly took part in disputes regarding the management of a drug dealing area in San Giovanni Galermo, run by the Cappello family, claiming to take possession of it.

The investigations, the results of which have been validated so far by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations at the Juvenile Court, susceptible to further validation in court, have revealed particular unscrupulousness due to the availability of weapons and significant financial resources, with a concrete risk of carrying out uncontrolled actions in order to assert one's claims, as believed on the basis of the interception of an environmental conversation between the minor and an acolyte, during which the former reported that he was ready to shoot if he were stopped by the police.

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