
Catania: Acts of physical violence perpetuated over time against their “competition”, brothers arrested

Catania: Acts of physical violence perpetuated over time against their "competition", brothers arrested

Catania: Acts of physical violence perpetuated over time against their “competition”, brothers arrested

On behalf of this District Attorney's Office of Catania, soldiers of the Catania Piazza Dante Carabinieri Company have executed an order for the application of a custodial measure, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Catania, against two brothers, Lombardo Domenico Giuseppe, 37 years old, and Lombardo Lucio, 33 years old, as both are accused, according to the state of the documents and in a procedural phase that has not yet allowed for the establishment of a cross-examination with the defense, of the commission of the crimes of extortion and stalking.

The restrictive measure summarizes the results of an investigative activity arising from the complaint-report filed in August 2022 by the owners of two commercial establishments located in the historic center of Catania.

The investigations, coordinated by the District Attorney's Office of Catania and delegated to the Operational Unit and the Carabinieri Station of Catania Piazza Dante, have highlighted how, over time, the two suspects, who in turn owned a commercial business adjacent to that of the victims, they allegedly carried out, to the detriment of these individuals, a series of acts of intimidation, in order to be able to allocate the public space in front to their exclusive use to the detriment of the injured parties, despite the fact that they were the holders, by virtue of a regular concession, of the permission to occupy public land.

The investigations, also developed through the acquisition of video surveillance images and documents from the competent municipal offices, have allowed us to ascertain how the violent episodes, sometimes also articulated with acts of physical violence or damage or characterized by markedly threatening expressions, would not have been occasional, but rather constant and repeated over time, with ongoing conduct since August 2022, culminating in the well-known episode of October 10, which ended with the arrest in flagrante delicto of the two defendants today, for acts of violence towards public officials of the Local Police.

In consideration of the seriousness of the circumstantial evidence described, the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, at the request of the Public Prosecutors in charge of the relevant investigation file, has therefore ordered the application of the precautionary measure of detention in prison, against both defendants, who, after the formal procedures, they were transferred to the Catania Piazza Lanza prison.

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