
Acireale: Illegal electricity connections, two criminals reported for theft

Tackling widespread crime in the San Cosmo neighborhood of Arcireale

Acireale: Illegal electricity connections, two criminals reported for theft

The commitment of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Catania in the control of the territory continues, to prevent and contrast any form of widespread illegality, with particular attention to those urban contexts most exposed in terms of public safety.

On this occasion, the Carabinieri of the Acireale Company, together with their colleagues from the CIO Operational Intervention Company of the 12th “Sicilia” Regiment and with the assistance of technicians from the electricity company Enel, They carried out a coordinated service over a wide area, with patrols located both in the streets of the historic center of the town and in the peripheral San Cosmo neighborhood.

The attention of the military and technicians was initially focused on some public housing blocks where approximately 150 electricity meters were examined to verify that energy withdrawals were regular. In this context, Four tamperings were discovered, one of which was particularly dangerous and which, during the inspection, generated flames due to a short circuit. The sudden intervention of the Carabinieri and technicians prevented the flames from spreading to the rest of the building, endangering all the residents.

Two illegal direct connections in the home, instead, were found in via Borsellino and in via Minerva Impalà and the respective owners of the houses, a 63-year-old woman and a 52-year-old man, both with criminal records, were reported for electricity theft.

The capillary control of the city centre, then, brought to light the figure of a 44-year-old with a criminal record who had improvised as a parking attendant in Piazza Cappuccini. The man, moreover, he was already a repeat offender and subjected to the so-called urban DASPO, which arose precisely as a result of previous sanctions for exercising the same activity as an illegal parking attendant.

Finally, as a corollary to the results achieved, specific services were carried out to counteract those driving behaviors that are potentially dangerous for the safety of motorists and pedestrians, checking 60 people and more than 20 vehicles, some of whom were fined for violations of the Highway Code, such as using a telephone while driving or not having the required insurance coverage and driving without a helmet.

Acireale: Allacci abusivi di energia elettrica, denunciati per furto due pregiudicati

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