
Aci Catena: Violence against his wife, a 43-year-old under house arrest

The woman, taking advantage of the fact that her husband had left the house in the meantime, produced a video on her profile on a well-known social network, thus documenting the injuries sustained in the attack.

Aci Catena: Violence against his wife, a 43-year-old under house arrest

The Public Prosecutor's Office, within the scope of an investigation into an 43 year old of Aci Catena (CT), investigated for "threats, personal injuries and mistreatment in the family”, requested and obtained from the GIP of the Court of Catania the validation of the provision of emergency removal from the family home and the issuing of a custody order which orders the arrest with the application of the electronic bracelet to the interested party.

The facts that gave rise to the issuing of the restrictive measure, in a stage of the proceedings in which the cross-examination with the accused has not yet taken place, date back to last September 30th.

That day in fact the 43 year old, who was morbidly consumed by jealousy for the 30 year old wife, would have for the umpteenth time the latter was severely beaten so much so that in the afternoon the woman, taking advantage of the fact that her husband had left the house in the meantime, he produced a video on his profile on a well-known social network, thus documenting the injuries sustained in the attack.

This "initiative" would have angered the man even more who, having seen the video in question, in the presence of her daughters aged 2 and 7, would have further on his return hit the 30-year-old with punches and kicks to the sides, also causing her a noticeable swelling in the right eye.

The woman, however, managed to alert the Carabinieri of the Aci Catena station who, having arrived immediately, found her husband still at home so, having taken note of the situation, they first the intervention of 118 medical personnel was requested to help the woman, so they proceeded to the 43-year-old's removal from the family home.

The latter's subsequent statements, which while reporting to the Carabinieri the facts of which she had been the victim she did not intend to report her husband, have brought to light a bleak behavioral picture of her husband, which would have deprived of all initiative and freedom due to the alleged jealousy towards her, also preventing her from seeing her sisters, leaving the house and even accompanying her daughters to school, in particular over the past four years, with almost daily episodes of physical violence.

Aci Catena: violenze sulla moglie, agli arresti domiciliari un 43enne

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