San Nicola la Strada: 41-year-old violently attacks his mother. The neighbor hears the screams and calls 112. The 41-year-old arrested
It happened shortly before 21.00:3 p.m. on Thursday, October XNUMX, when the operator of the Caserta Company's Operations Center, following a request for intervention, sent a patrol of the Operations and Radiomobile Unit to the center of San Nicola La Strada, already engaged in a territory control service in that municipality.
San Nicola la Strada: 41-year-old violently attacks his mother. The neighbor hears the screams and calls 112. The 41-year-old arrested.
They have been the woman's screams alerting a neighbor who, worried about the tense situation that had arisen in the apartment not far from hers, did not hesitate to dial the emergency number “112” and ask the Carabinieri for help.
It happened shortly before 21.00 pm on Thursday 3 October, when the operator of the Operations Centre of the Caserta Company, following the request for intervention, sent a patrol of the Operations and Radiomobile Unit to the centre of San Nicola La Strada, already engaged in a territory control service in that municipality.
The soldiers, who arrived at the reported address in a few minutes, found the victim, a 67 year old local woman, who was visibly affected and in strong state of agitation She immediately reported that she had been the victim of yet another aggression suffered at home on the part of the son.
The woman, who was immediately assisted by medical personnel from the “118” service, who were called to the scene, wasfound suffering from a hematoma on the wrist, redness on the back of the neck and scratches on the arms.
The 41-year-old son, having realised the presence of the military, barricaded in the house refusing to open the door.
Following the immediate formalization of the complaint by the victim, in which it is highlighted that the aggression suffered, arose from futile reasons, is only the latest of many that have occurred in recent times, the soldiers, after having repeatedly asked the man to open the entrance door of the house in vain, have the intervention of the Caserta Fire Brigade was requested and a patrol from the local Carabinieri station to proceed with forced entry.
The Carabinieri are like this managed to enter and block the 41-year-old in one of the rooms, still in a state of severe confusion and psychophysical alteration.
The man, taken to the barracks, was arrested and accompanied to the prison house of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. He will have to answer for mistreatment against cohabiting family members and personal injury.
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