Mondragone: 25 people reported during a territorial control service in the “Palazzi Azzurri” areas. The crimes: theft of electricity and possession of drugs

The coordinated territorial control service arranged by the Carabinieri Territorial Department of Mondragone began in the late morning of Friday 4th, and had as its main objective the urban areas of that center, including the "Palazzi Azzurri" of via Palermo.

Mondragone: 25 people reported during a territorial control service in the areas of the "Palazzi Azzurri". The crimes: theft of electricity and possession of drugs.

The coordinated service of control of the territory arranged by the Carabinieri Territorial Department of Mondragone began in the late morning of Friday 4th, and had as its main objective main target urban areas of that center, including the “Palazzi Azzurri” on Via Palermo.

Le 20 patrols in the field belonging to the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus, to the support Stations and to the Castel Volturno Lieutenancy, were supported by the military of the Operational Intervention Teams of the 10th Campania Carabinieri Regiment and by technical personnel of the ASL of Caserta and of the Municipal Technical Office of Mondragone.

During the checks, which saw the military engaged in checkpoints along the main access routes at the Statale Domitiana and in targeted searches at some homes in via Palermo and the “Palazzi Azzurri”, 25 people were reported at liberty, including 5 for aggravated theft of electricity. The latter had fraudulently connected their homes to the public electricity grid.

Further individuals, some of whom were already under house arrest for property and drug-related crimes, were caught in possession of numerous doses of hashish and marijuana and of material useful for packaging the drug.

Also discovered a'unauthorized waste management activity and an illegal car repair shop. Both were seized.

Mondragone: denunciate 25 persone durante un servizio di controllo del territorio nelle aree dei "Palazzi Azzurri". I reati: furto di energia elettrica e possesso di droga

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