Villa Literno: Beats his wife in front of their minor children, 45-year-old arrested by the Carabinieri

On Tuesday, January 21, in Villa Literno, a 40-year-old woman, at the height of an argument that arose over trivial reasons, in the presence of her three minor children, was violently beaten by her 45-year-old husband. The man, who took refuge at his sister's house, was later arrested.

Villa Literno: Beats Wife in Front of Underage Children, 45-Year-Old Arrested

She asked the police for help because her husband was beating her, it happened Tuesday 21 January, in Villa Literno where a 40 year old woman, at the height of an argument that arose over trivial reasons, in the presence of her three minor children, was violently beaten by her 45 year old husband who then left before the arrival of the Carabinieri of the local station.

When the Carabinieri arrived at that house to wait for them on the street, they found the applicant, visibly agitated and clutching her 3-year-old daughter in her arms. To the Carabinieri the victim said that she had been beaten shortly before by her husband due to an argument that had arisen over trivial reasons and that, in the presence of their minor children (3, 12 and 13 years old), he had first hit her with a punch in the face and then slapped her and pulled her hair.

Villa Literno: picchia la moglie davanti ai figli minorenni, 45enne arrestato

In the complaint, the woman said that over time she had suffered other attacks by her husband, which had never been reported. The man, identified at his sister's house where he had temporarily taken refuge, was arrested and taken to the Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Ce) prison.

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