Caserta: Burglars flee from Carabinieri. Stolen car and part of the stolen goods recovered

Call for help to 112 for an apartment burglary in progress. The Carabinieri of the Casagiove Station, already in circulation during a territorial control service, immediately reach the house, putting the 3 criminals to flight

Caserta: Burglars flee from Carabinieri. Stolen car and part of the stolen goods recovered

It was a call for help for a apartment burglary in progress, forwarded by some citizens to the emergency number 112 to be triggered in the evening of 15st January theimmediate intervention of the Carabinieri of the Casagiove Station.

The military personnel of the Arma, already in the area during a territorial control service aimed at preventing and repressing the commission of crimes against property, reached the address reported in the locality in a few minutes San Leucio in Caserta.

The three criminals, still inside the house, which they had entered after forcing one of the windows, just hear the sirens of the Carabinieri Gazelle They collected the loot they had stolen up to that point and walked away through the city streets.

The immediate pursuit by the military of the Arma did not allow them to stop the fugitives who, aided by the darkness, disappeared into the surrounding countryside.

Near the robbed house the soldiers found, left parked on the public road, a BMW 1 series with the doors open. Inside the car, abandoned by the criminals and also found to be the object of theft, numerous burglary tools were found, a portable walkie-talkie radio and various stolen goods from previous robberies consisting of gold jewelry, Watches, costume jewelry, numerous keys for locks, including those of cars, and the sum of cash equal to 167,00 €.

The car and the recovered material were seized, awaiting recognition by the legitimate owners.

Investigations are underway by the Carabinieri of the Caserta Company aimed at identifying the fugitives.

Caserta: Ladri d'appartamento messi in fuga dai Carabinieri. Recuperata autovettura rubata e parte della refurtiva

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