Alife: 1.100 euros in cosmetics stolen from a shop, 4 women arrested
The Carabinieri had been on their trail for about two months, precisely since August 5th when they were responsible for a theft at a shop in Alife.
Alife: 1.100 euros in cosmetics stolen from a shop, 4 women arrested.
Upon leaving the shop, one of the arrested women, believing that a child was filming her with his cell phone, first cursed at him and then attacked the mother, violently kicking her in the abdomen.
The Carabinieri had been on their trail for about two months, precisely since August 5th when they were responsible for a theft at a shop in Alife.
On that occasion, two of the four women arrested yesterday were reported at liberty following viewing of the video surveillance cameras of the commercial establishment.
This time, caught red-handed, they were arrested for aggravated theft in competition.
It was 16:20 pm yesterday when the owner of the same business, noticing the presence of those women in his shop, alerted the Carabinieri of the Piedimonte Matese Company who immediately went to the place.
Having reached the location and slipped between the parked cars, the Carabinieri saw two women, with a shopping cart overflowing with goods, exit the store's automatic turnstiles (in this case held open by two other accomplices) and then, together with the latter, quickly head towards a Fiat 500, parked a short distance away.
As the police approached to identify them and to ascertain whether they had regularly paid for the goods in the cart, one of the four women, believing that a child was filming them with his cell phone, first railed against him and then attacked her mother, violently kicking her in the abdomen.
At the same time, another of the four women arrested, in an attempt to deny that the trolley with the goods belonged to her or her “friends”, kicked it over, causing the goods to fall to the ground.
Blocked, with the help of the radiomobile crew that came to support their colleagues at the station, they were taken to the barracks.
The subsequent viewing of the internal surveillance cameras of the business also confirmed that the women, a 22-year-old, a 24-year-old, a 25-year-old and a 44-year-old, all from Mondragone, had left the business without going through the checkout.
The recovered goods consisting of cosmetics worth 1.160,00 euros were returned to the rightful owner.
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