San Prisco: Checks at the construction site of the new parish complex of “Santa Maria di Costantinopoli”, fines of over 30.000,00 euros raised

5 construction site administrators fined and reported

San Prisco: Checks at the construction site of the new parish complex of “Santa Maria di Costantinopoli”, fines of over 30.000,00 euros raised

Targeted checks to verify compliance with current regulatory provisions on workplace safety were carried out by the Carabinieri of the San Prisco Station, in the Caserta area, and involved a construction site opened in via dello Sport in that center where the construction of the new parish complex of “Santa Maria di Costantinopoli” is underway. Upon their arrival, the soldiers of the Station, supported by personnel from the Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate of Caserta, they found staff from 5 companies at work, all involved in the construction of the complex.

The checks, which covered both the correct working position of the employees and compliance with safety regulations in the workplace, revealed that none of the companies were in compliance with the provisions of the law. 11 workers present at the construction site were identified, 4 of whom were found to be undeclared. Among them was a 32-year-old Algerian, illegal on the national territory. During the checks serious irregularities were also found regarding the absence or non-conformity of scaffolding, parapets, and fences, as well as the failure to use individual safety devices.

Also missing were the evidence of the required medical examination that the employees should have undergone and of their job training. In this circumstance, following the serious irregularities found, the military of the Arma have imposed fines of over 30.000,00 euros and reported, at liberty, the 5 directors of the companies involved in the construction of the complex. At the same time, the suspension of business activity was ordered for one of the sanctioned companies.

San Prisco: Controlli al cantiere del nuovo complesso parrocchiale di "Santa Maria di Costantinopoli", elevate sanzioni per oltre 30.000,00 euro

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