Matese Castle (CE). An illegal wastewater discharge and a huge pile of manure stored on bare ground exposed to atmospheric degradation were seized.
Wastewater discharge which was returned to the milking parlor of the aforementioned farm through a hydraulic test with tracer carried out by ARPAC technicians.
Matese Castle (CE). An illegal wastewater discharge and a huge pile of manure stored on bare ground exposed to atmospheric degradation were seized.
In recent months the Forestry Carabinieri of the local unit of San Gregorio Matese (CE), together with veterinary doctors of the ASL of the Equid and Stray Animals Sector of Santa Maria (CE), are subjecting all the equine livestock farms present in the municipalities of Castello del Matese (CE) and San Gregorio Matese (CE) to inspection.
In this context, together with technicians from ARPAC Caserta, an important livestock farm located in the Acqua di Santa Maria area of the municipality of Castello del Matese was also inspected. During the inspection of the stables and surrounding land, the presence of a PVC pipe was ascertained from which an unauthorized discharge of turbid brown water into a surface watercourse, specifically into a mountain spring water stream tributary to the underlying Lake Matese. Wastewater discharge which was returned to the milking parlor of the aforementioned farm through a hydraulic test with tracer carried out by ARPAC technicians.
Furthermore, about 500 meters as the crow flies from the company building, on an agricultural land owned by the same farm, the presence of a large pile of manure on bare, unprotected ground, with a volume of approximately 2400 cubic metres, deriving from repeated spills carried out at different times, with the presence of leachate produced by leaching on the surrounding land due to the run-off action caused by rain and snow.
The area under control is subject to multiple restrictions as it falls within the protected area of the Matese Regional Park, in an area subject to landscape restrictions and a Natura 2000 Network Site falling within the ZSC/SIC “Matese Casertano” IT8010013 and ZPS “Matese” IT8010026.
Therefore, the aforementioned soldiers proceeded with the preventive seizure of what was described above and have referred, in a state of freedom, the legal representative of the company to which the aforementioned zootechnical farm belongs for the types of crime envisaged by the Consolidated Environmental Law Legislative Decree 152/2006, or for unauthorized discharge of industrial waste water in surface waters; failure to comply with the cases and procedures established for the agronomic use of livestock effluents; illicit disposal of non-hazardous special waste on the ground.
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