Bolzano: continues to stalk ex-partner with electronic bracelet, 35-year-old arrested
Given the seriousness of what emerged, the Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori has initiated the process aimed at issuing the man with Special Surveillance.
Bolzano: continues to stalk ex-partner with electronic bracelet, 35-year-old arrested
Unfortunately, requests for help are now almost the order of the day, following which the Police Forces are called upon to intervene urgently to deal with situations of violence and persecution.
On October 4th, the State Police Agents on duty at the Flying Squad of the Bolzano Police Headquarters 35 year old man from Bolzano arrested, in execution of a Prison Detention Order issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bolzano, investigated for the crime of persecutory acts against the ex-partner.
Specifically, in the last few days, the suspect – already subjected to the Prohibition of Approach and Contact for the continuous harassment to which he repeatedly and violently subjected the injured party, as he blamed her for the end of their romantic relationship - despite the fact that he had been fitted with an "electronic bracelet", he had continued to persecute her, violating the requirements imposed on him and repeatedly showing up outside the victim's workplace, thus triggering the alarm on the electronic device.
At the end of the Judicial Police actions, therefore, the 35-year-old from Bolzano was taken to the local Bolzano prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
Given the seriousness of what emerged, the Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori has started the process aimed at issuing the man with Special Surveillance.
“There are more and more cases in which the Police Forces are called upon to intervene to deal with violent episodes of stalking, which in themselves represent, among other things, worrying manifestations of cultural problems, which too often affect victims who are unable to defend themselves – highlighted the Police Commissioner Sartori –. This episode further reinforces the idea of how the critical situations that afflict our society must necessarily be addressed by networking between institutions, local authorities, anti-violence centers and voluntary associations. The State Police has always been on the front line, also with specific projects, in indicating paths of awareness and consciousness of the disvalue of what has been committed, with the aim, also, of helping victims to defend themselves, to ask for help and to report the violence suffered”.
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