Bolzano: Violent brawl at the entrance of the “POLI” supermarket, 4 people arrested
4 arrests
Bolzano: Violent brawl at the entrance of the “POLI” supermarket, 4 people arrested
The Operations Centre of the Police Headquarters received the following information via the emergency number 112: numerous reports with requests for intervention regarding a violent fight, with glass bottles being thrown, still in progress between four foreign individuals inside the “CENTRUM” Shopping Centre in via Galvani, more precisely at the entrance of the “POLI” supermarket. A crew of the State Police “Flying Squad”, which arrived immediately at the indicated location, noted 4 men who, amidst shouts and threats in a foreign language, were violently confronting each other, hitting each other with kicks, pushes, punches and with broken bottles, without showing any intention of stopping despite the presence of the police.
Meanwhile, seeing what was happening Many customers fled, while others tried to separate the four contenders. At a certain point all 4 subjects began to quickly walk towards the exit in order to avoid the police control, leaving on the ground numerous shards of glass bottles used in the fight to hit the other contenders. These, however, they were immediately surrounded and blocked by the Agents of other Patrols, who were also sent to the scene together with the Carabinieri and Local Police with the aim of assisting their colleagues in an absolutely dangerous and complex situation.
From the first investigations carried out immediately, the police were able to ascertain how the The four participants in the brawl were divided into two distinct opposing factions: on one side, AS, aged 4, and MTA, aged 32, both Moroccan citizens, and on the other, KSS, an Afghan citizen aged 42, and IK, a Pakistani citizen aged 31. These people - some of whom were allegedly guests of the "Cold Emergency Centers" - according to what the Police learned during the acquisition of testimonies and reports, after having entered the Supermarket and bought bottles of beer, as soon as they left had started the violent brawl for reasons yet to be ascertained (even though it seems that the parties knew each other beforehand and that various kinds of disputes had previously arisen between them);
In the recent past, some of them had already been noticed, drunk and provocative, for having been the protagonists of thefts and threats to shop assistants and security personnel, as well as verbal harassment towards customers. Once blocked and rendered harmless, the four individuals continued to threaten and insult each other, seeking physical contact, forcibly prevented by the significant presence of Police Officers.
All 4 subjects came out of the brawl quite badly injured.: two of them complained of severe headaches, reporting having been hit by a bottle, while another had a wound on the palm of his hand, compatible with having used a broken bottle to hit his opponents; finally, the fourth had a nosebleed, having been hit in the face with a punch. Due to the injuries sustained by three of them, it was decided to seek medical treatment., and were therefore taken to the Emergency Room of the “San Maurizio” Hospital.
They were then taken to the Police Headquarters, at the end of the Judicial Police procedures. All four of those arrested were declared under arrest for the crime of aggravated brawling – for which they risk up to 4 years in prison – and associated in part with the local prison, in part held in the Security cells of the Police Headquarters, at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office. In consideration of the seriousness of what happened, The Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori has requested the competent Territorial Commission for Refugees to immediately revoke the International Protection status in order to be able to issue the same number of warrants to all those arrested Decrees of Expulsion from the national territory, which will become operational once the judicial process has been concluded.
“What happened in a shopping centre represents a very serious criminal episode, characterised by particular, unmotivated violence on the part of someone who, although welcomed, has shown no intention of integrating into our country and respecting its laws and institutions, and which only by chance has not had much more tragic consequences - he highlighted Commissioner Sartori –. Such incidents cannot be tolerated. Hence the drastic measures adopted, both on the judicial and administrative level, aimed at ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice and at interrupting a criminal escalation of violence and retaliation that is creating no small number of critical issues in terms of public order and citizen safety".
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