Bolzano: villa burglary foiled by police, three foreign offenders arrested.

Three men caught stealing valuables and an electric bicycle from a villa on Via Castel Roncolo. The police stopped them after a chase.

Bolzano: villa burglary foiled by police, three foreign offenders arrested.

a request for urgent intervention was received at the Police Headquarters Operations Centre via the emergency number 112 NUE. A man, looking out from his balcony at night, reported having noticed some individuals intent on carrying out suspicious actions in the garden of a villa in Castle Runkelstein Street.

Three foreign criminals, after having forced the opening of some cars (including one Porsche a Mercedes a BMW and VW), were rummaging through them to steal their contents.

Immediately, the Flying Squad patrols of the State Police went to the place. The agents, having arrived in via Castel Roncolo, entered the garden just as the three criminals were collecting the stolen goods in a sheet, then walking away with it and a stolen electric bike inside the villa.

Surprised by the arrival of the Police, the three criminals tried to escape, reacting with violence.

  • The first one was stopped immediately by the officers.
  • The second one, being chased, fell heavily to the ground and was blocked.
  • The third, after having left the villa, was stopped in via Castel Roncolo by another patrol that had arrived to assist.

At the end of the operation, after having secured the three arrested, the police officers contacted the keeper of the villa, who had requested intervention. The man reported having been awakened by the alarm system and having noticed three individuals dressed in black wandering around the garden with flashlights. After having forced open the parked cars, the thieves had rummaged through the interior and stolen objects, money and other valuables.

Escorted to the Police Headquarters, the three offenders – identified as NH (24 years old), MR (28 years old) e MZ (33 years old), all Moroccan citizens with refugee status and assisted by Cold Emergency Centers – were declared in arrest for aggravated theft and violence and resistance to a public officialThe three were held in Police Headquarters Security Rooms available to Prosecutor's Office.

Given the seriousness of the incident and the previous convictions against them, the Police Chief of Bolzano, Paolo Sartori, he urged Territorial Commission for Refugees to arrange the revocation of international protection status granted to the three arrested, in order to issue a expulsion decree from the national territory.

“Thanks to the timely request for intervention by the Police, it was possible to intervene immediately to arrest 3 foreign repeat offenders and prevent them from carrying out their criminal action – declared Police Chief Sartori –. This type of activity is aimed at preventing foreigners from taking root in our territory, often without the necessary qualification to stay in our country, who with their behavior and their resistance to integration arouse concern. social alarm and compromise civil coexistence."

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