Bolzano: stalking and mistreatment against minor daughters and a social worker, prohibition of contact and approach to a 41-year-old Iraqi
The court issued a contact and approach ban, while the Police Chief also ordered a mandatory 4-year expulsion order and the revocation of the residence permit.
Bolzano: stalking and mistreatment against minor daughters and a social worker, prohibition of contact and approach to a 41-year-old Iraqi
Unfortunately, requests are almost the order of the day, following which the Police Forces are called upon to intervene urgently to deal with situations of serious criticality arising from persecution.
On Sunday 22nd September, the Mobile Squad of the Bolzano Police Headquarters carried out the Precautionary Measure of Prohibition of Contact and Approach issued by the Court of Bolzano against a 41 year old Iraqi citizen, legal on the national territory and resident in Trento, investigated for having carried out stalking of a social worker charged with looking after her minor daughters for whom she had recently lost parental responsibility.
Specifically, last August, the suspect showed up at the Trento Police Headquarters with his lips sewn shut and threatening to set himself on fire, ordering the Police Officers to call the injured party, the only one capable, according to his story, of providing explanations for this extreme gesture.
Since a few hours after this episode, and in a repeated and obsessive manner in the following days, the suspect had repeatedly contacted the injured party by telephone, threatening to reach her in his office with a can of petrol and explaining specific homicidal and suicidal intent.
These threats had induced the Police Commissioner – pending the urgent issuing of the precautionary measure executed yesterday by the Judicial Authority – to order a specific service of vigilance at the home and at the office where the victim works as a social worker.
The man had already been subjected to other criminal proceedings in the past for the crime of abuse in the family (within which he had been the recipient of a similar precautionary measure) to the detriment of two younger daughters, today housed in reception facilities with a secret address.
For the same reasons, considering the seriousness of the behaviour of the suspect and his recidivism in committing the crimes for which he is accused, the Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori has issued a detention order against the 41-year-old Iraqi. Personal Prevention Measure of the Mandatory Exit Notice with Prohibition of Return to the Municipality of Bolzano for the Next 4 Years, and initiated the process aimed at Revocation of the Residence Permit.
“There are more and more cases in which the Police Forces are called upon to intervene to deal with violent episodes of mistreatment in the family, which in themselves represent, among other things, worrying manifestations of cultural problems, which too often affect victims who are unable to defend themselves – highlighted the Police Commissioner Sartori –. In this case, moreover, the persecutory behaviors also had as a victim a Social Worker in the exercise of his functions. This episode further reinforces the idea of how the critical situations that afflict our society must necessarily be addressed by networking between Institutions, Local Authorities, Anti-Violence Centers and Volunteer Associations. The State Police has always been on the front line, also with specific Projects, in indicating paths of awareness and consciousness of the disvalue of what was committed, with the aim, also, of helping the victims to defend themselves, to ask for help and to report the violence suffered”.
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