Bolzano: Repeated guest fans reported, two Daspos issued

2 bans

Bolzano: Repeated guest fans reported, two Daspos issued

The Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori has 2 Daspo issued – or access inhibition measures
to sporting events – lasting, respectively, of 10 years against a fan of the Catanzaro football team, and 5 years at the expense of a supporter of that of Frosinone.

In the first case a man – such PE, 58 years old Catanzaro native with his own expenses numerous criminal and/or police records for crimes such as theft, extortion, private violence, assault, damage, violence or threat to a public official, interruption of public service, false declarations regarding personal identity, aggravated theft, as well as already recipient of a Daspo –, last January 12, at the entrance to the “Druso” Stadium, before the football match valid for the Italian Serie B Championship between the teams of “FC Südtirol” and “Catanzaro”, during the security check carried out by Agents of the Padua Mobile Unit at the entrance to the sports facility, he was found in possession of a large knife, which he was hiding in his trousers behind his back.

In that context, PE attacked the police officers with a threatening and provocative attitude, uttering the following phrase: "I'll cut your belly open like a goat", with the clear intent of intimidating them so that they would not proceed against him.

For all these reasons, Police Chief Sartori has adopted the Personal Prevention Measure against the author of this reckless act. Sports ban, for a period of 10 years. PE, furthermore, always on the orders of the Police Chief of Bolzano, for a
5-year period, on days when sports competitions take place, including friendly matches, both national and international, involving the Catanzaro football team must present themselves at the Catanzaro Police Headquarters, equipped with a valid identification document according to the following procedures:

 a) matches played on national territory: twice, precisely within 15 minutes of the start of the match and within 30 minutes before the end of the match.

b) matches played abroad: once, and precisely within 30 minutes of the start of the match. As a consequence of the Provision of the Police Commissioner, the 58-year-old offender from Catanzaro will now be prohibited from accessing all places where football matches are held on the national territory, relating to the national professional and semi-professional Championships, International Tournaments, friendly matches as well as all places involved in the training of the teams involved in the aforementioned championships and in the competitions that take place within the scope of the activities envisaged by the Italian Football Federation, or Bodies and Organizations recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).

The ban is to be understood as extended, on the occasion of each match of the indicated sport and for the period between two hours before the start and two hours after the end of each sporting event, including railway stations, motorway toll booths, airports, motorway service stations and all other places where people who participate in or attend the competitions can stop, transit or transport, always for the same period starting from the date of notification of this provision; in the event of non-compliance, the offender will be reported to the Judicial Authority.

By places interested in parking, transit and transport we mean all the roads, streets, squares adjacent to the sports facility, within a radius of 500 meters from the external perimeter of the same. As regards railway stations, motorway toll booths, airports,
motorway service stations and all other places used for parking, transit or transport of those participating in or attending sporting events, the ban applies to all existing structures on the national territory.

The other episode occurred last October 30th, again at the “Druso” Stadium, during the football match between Sudtirol and Frosinone, when a fan of the visiting team – a certain DDS, 41enne resident in the Frosinone capital, already hit, in 2014, by a Daspo issued by the Police Chief of that Province for a duration of 3 years –, heedless of the crowding existing in the stands and of the concrete danger of creating serious problems for public order and safety, as well as for the safety of the other people present to watch the match, lit three smoke bombs, the sale of which is prohibited.

For these reasons the Police Commissioner Sartori has issued against this person a 5-year Daspo, which will be applied in the same way as the one issued to the Catanzaro fan. "With such behaviors these two individuals, both repeat offenders and one of whom also has a criminal record, they seriously endangered the safety and public order as well as the safety of other people present at the Stadium, and have demonstrated with their conduct that they are completely careless of respect for the laws of the State, the Institutions of the Republic and the members of the Police Force – Police Commissioner Sartori was keen to point out –

It is unacceptable that those who go to a stadium to peacefully watch a sporting event should run such risks due to the reckless behavior of a small minority. For these reasons I have decided to adopt these severe measures, hoping that this may serve to make the perpetrators aware of what could have happened".

Bolzano: Denunciati tifosi ospiti recidivi, emessi due Daspo

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