Bolzano: Death threat to family, 28-year-old removed and reported
a complaint
Bolzano: Death threat to family, 28-year-old removed and reported
A call was made to the Operations Centre of the Police Headquarters, through the emergency number 112, with which an emergency was formalised report of an aggressive and violent individual towards parents. Arriving immediately on site, the Agents of the crew of the State Police "Flying Squad" sent to the emergency noticed a young man, in an evident state of alteration, who did not stop railing against his parents and his brother, threatening to kill them because they had prevented him from entering the house.
The young man, moreover, in addition to the violent threats – for which the police had already been called to intervene a few hours earlier – a few moments before had seriously damaged his mother's scooter, parked near the house. At that point the crews of the "Flying" Squad, already warned by the Operations Centre of the situation that had previously occurred, managed with difficulty and with a patient work of persuasion to calm the subject and take him to the Police Headquarters, where it came from identified as a 28 year old young man from Bolzano with various criminal records against him.
The other police officers who remained at the family home, after having reassured the parents, were able to reconstruct what had happened. thanks to the mother's story: the woman, in despair, she reported numerous and serious episodes of violence committed by her son in recent months, with continuous threatening requests for money and, in some cases, even the theft of family jewels, all with the aim of financing his addiction to drugs. Given what has emerged and at the end of the Judicial Police proceedings, the young man was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of mistreatment in the family, and was definitively and urgently removed from the family home.
The Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori, in consideration of the dangerousness of the subject and the repetition of the threatening conduct, has issued against him the following warnings: Personal Prevention Measures of the Warning and the Oral Warning of Public Safety. “There are more and more cases in which the Police Forces are called upon to intervene to deal with violent episodes of abuse within the family, which too often affect victims who are unable to defend themselves – highlighted Commissioner Sartori –
This episode, which is also closely linked to a serious drug addiction situation, further reinforces the idea of how the critical situations that afflict our society must necessarily be addressed by networking. between institutions, local authorities, anti-violence centres and voluntary associations. The State Police has always been on the front line, also with specific projects, in indicating paths of awareness and consciousness of the disvalue of what has been committed, with the aim, also, of helping the victims to defend themselves, to ask for help and to report the violence suffered”.
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