Bolzano, he wanders half naked through the streets of the center harassing passers-by: 37-year-old Gambian arrested

The 37-year-old Gambian had stripped himself naked in Piazza Matteotti and was wandering around the streets of the center screaming, harassing passers-by. The Police managed to track down the subject who already had a criminal record, he was fined for disturbing the peace and Police Commissioner Sartori ordered his expulsion from our national territory.

Bolzano, he wanders half naked through the streets of the center harassing passers-by: 37-year-old Gambian arrested

On Friday morning, to via the single emergency number “112 NUE”, a citizen contacted the station Police Headquarters Operations to request police intervention as there was a man who had stripped himself naked in Piazza Matteotti e he walked around the streets wearing only his underwear of the historic centre, shouting nonsense and annoying passers-by.

Having arrived immediately at the indicated place, the Police managed to track down the subject who was still wandering around nearby in an apparent state of confusion, which is why the intervention of the 118 health workers was requested in order to check his state of health.

The man, then, he was accompanied to the Police Headquarters offices and identified for this CSA, 37 year old Gambian citizen with a own numerous criminal and/or police records relating to drug dealing, brawl, damage, theft with snatching, receiving stolen goods, threat of contempt and resistance to a public official, arson, illegal carrying of weapons or objects capable of offending and personal injury, as well as convictions for family abuse, personal injury and resistance. At the end of the Judicial Police actions, the Agents proceeded to sanction him for disturbing the public peace.

Arrived in Italy in 2015, CSA had submitted a request for political asylum, subsequently rejected. Being then married to an Italian citizen, in 2021 had obtained a Residence Permit for family reasons, then revoked about a month ago by the Police Chief of the Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori due to his well-known social dangerousness.

Having failed to comply with the order to leave our National Territory within 14 days, and in consideration of what happened and of the further demonstration of the dangerousness of his behavior, Police Commissioner Sartori issued an Expulsion Decree against CSA with a simultaneous Accompaniment and Detention Order at the Repatriation Center in Gradisca d'Isonzo (Gorizia), where will remain waiting to be boarded as soon as possible on a direct flight to Gambia.

Bolzano, gira seminudo per le vie del centro molestando i passanti: fermato 37enne gambiano

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