Bolzano: fight against drug dealing, foreign pusher reported
A 30-year-old Moroccan illegally residing on the national territory and with a criminal and/or police record was identified and reported by the State Police. The man was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing and is also the recipient of an Expulsion Decree issued by Police Chief Sartori.
Bolzano: fight against drug dealing, foreign pusher reported
Yesterday, a crew from the State Police “Flying Squad”, during the normal activities of general prevention and repression of crimes, noticed a subject who, at the sight of the police car, with a suspicious movement hid something in the pocket of his sweatshirt. The police officers, therefore, decided to stop and subject the individual to a thorough check.
During the personal search to which he was then subjected, the man – later identified as such MZE, a 30-year-old Moroccan citizen living at the “Cold Emergency Center” in Bolzano, an illegal immigrant on the national territory and with a criminal and/or police record for various crimes, including aggravated theft – was found in possession of 4 heat-sealed nylon packages ready to be sold on the Bolzano “square”, containing approximately 25 grams of Hashish..
The drugs were then seized, while MZE, at the end of the Judicial Police proceedings, was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing.
Further investigative checks are underway with the aim of identifying the supply channels and the drug distribution network.
The Police Commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Paolo Sartori, therefore, considering his repeated criminal conduct and irregular position in Italy, issued an Expulsion Decree from the National Territory against MZE.
"Drug dealing is a particularly serious crime, not only for the effects it produces in itself on drug users, but also for the context in which it finds fertile ground for its spread and for the criminal activity it generates, in terms of degradation, petty crime and consequences on public order and safety – stressed Police Chief Sartori –. For this reason, prevention and the fight against its spread is one of the priorities for the Police Forces, committed daily to guaranteeing the safety of citizens".
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