Bolzano: the foreign offender with multiple criminal records who had devastated and set fire to the city's dumpsters last December was arrested, reported and expelled from the Territory again

The 30-year-old Gambian who last December had devastated and set fire to dumpsters in various areas of Bolzano, after having stalked his ex-partner and attacked the Police, was reported and expelled from the National Territory for the second time. On that occasion he was later expelled by the Police Commissioner from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. He is currently at the Repatriation Detention Center in Macomer, in the Province of Nuoro.

Bolzano: the foreign offender with multiple criminal records who had devastated and set fire to the city's dumpsters last December was arrested, reported and expelled from the Territory again

Yesterday a call arrived at the Police Headquarters Operations Centre, through the emergency number "112 NUE", for a report of a drunk subject who was bothering and provoking passers-by in Piazza Walther.

Having arrived at the indicated location in a few moments, the crews of the "Flying" Squad of the State Police immediately proceeded to stop the harassing subject, later identified as SB, a 30-year-old Gambian citizen with a criminal record and an illegal presence on the national territory, responsible for a series of fires set last December 28 in Bolzano in various areas of the city, after having threatened his ex-partner and having carried out persecutory conduct towards her, as well as the attack on the police officers who had intervened to stop him.

On that occasion the Gambian citizen had been arrested by the State Police Agents; upon his release, therefore, SB had been expelled by the Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori and transferred to the CPR of Gorizia, from which he was discharged a few days later for administrative reasons.

Bolzano: fermato, denunciato e nuovamente espulso dal Territorio il pluripregiudicato straniero che aveva devastato ed incendiato i cassonetti in città lo scorso dicembre

Following the intervention of yesterday SB was reported by the Police to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bolzano because, previously, the individual had been issued with the Personal Prevention Measure of the "Daspo Urbano" from Piazza Walther, with the prohibition of entering it.

In consideration of the social dangerousness demonstrated on several occasions, of the recidivism in criminal behavior and of the clandestine status of the subject, Police Chief Sartori has issued against SB a new Decree of Expulsion from the National Territory, with a simultaneous Order of Escort and Detention at the Repatriation Detention Center of Macomer, in the Province of Nuoro, where he was escorted last night by the Agents of the Immigration Office of the Bolzano Police Headquarters, and where he will await the completion of the repatriation procedures to then be transferred to his country of origin.

"It is essential that the expulsion measures are made effective with the concrete removal from the urban context of those who, irregularly present in Italy, have repeatedly demonstrated that they do not want to accept the basic rules of civil coexistence and make crime their lifestyle - highlighted Police Chief Sartori -. This type of Security Police activity to combat illegal immigration is aimed at preventing foreign individuals with multiple criminal records from taking root in our territory, often without the necessary title to stay in our country, who, with their behavior, cause particular social alarm and compromise the safety of citizens".

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