Bolzano: 32-year-old with a long criminal history, tracked down and arrested by the Police. He had been reported by his own sister for theft

Yesterday morning, the Agents of the Mobile Squad of the State Police executed a Prison Order issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bolzano against a certain LZ, a 32-year-old Moroccan citizen, illegally residing on national territory.

Bolzano: 32-year-old with a long criminal history, tracked down and arrested by the Police. He had been reported by his sister for theft.

Yesterday morning, the Agents of the Mobile Squad of the State Police executed a Prison Order issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bolzano against a certain LZ, a 32 year old Moroccan citizen, irregular on the national territory.

This man, sadly known to the Police Force for his anything but enviable criminal curriculum, including a long series of crimes committed mainly in the capital city of Bolzano, was tracked down by the Police of the Flying Squad in via Isarco, during a specific service for the prevention and fight against widespread crime and the dealing of narcotic substances in the city centre.

From the results of the investigations carried out at the Database of the Ministry of the Interior, it emerged that the man was the recipient of a Prison Order, having to serve a sentence of 1 year and 6 months in prison, a consequence of convictions for various aggravated thefts and a robbery committed in recent years in Bolzano.

The robbery had been carried out at the SPORTLER store: on that occasion LZ, after having been caught stealing, had attacked an employee of the commercial establishment who had ordered him to stop and wait for the arrival of the police.

In the last few days LZ had always been reported by his own sister because, taking advantage of her distraction, he had smartphone stolen to then resell it in order to obtain drugs.

After the identification procedures and the related Judicial Police activities, the arrested person was taken to the Bolzano District Prison where he will serve the sentence to which he was sentenced.

Il Police Chief of the Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori, therefore, in consideration of what happened and the dangerousness of the individual, he issued against him a Decree of Expulsion from the National Territory, which will be effective upon his release from prison.

“Drug dealing is a particularly serious crime, not only because of the effects it produces on drug users, who are even willing to rob their relatives to ensure their daily dose, but also because of the context in which it finds fertile ground for its diffusion and for the criminal activity it generates, in terms of degradation, petty crime and consequences on public order and safety – underlined Commissioner Sartori –. For this reason, prevention and the fight against its spread represent a priority for the Police Forces, committed daily to guaranteeing the safety of citizens”.

Bolzano: 32enne con un lungo curriculum criminale è stato rintracciato e arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato. Era stato denunciato dalla propria sorella per furto

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