Montalto delle Marche: From December 2024 to July 2025 “Metro museo dei Borghi di Marca”, the doors open to three artists, with different backgrounds and styles
contemporary art exhibition with young artists
Montalto delle Marche: From December 2024 to July 2025, “Metro museum of the villages of Marca”, the doors open to three artists, different training and style
The “residences” project was presented in the setting of the historic Palazzo Paradisi in Montalto delle Marche, which will involve the municipalities of the Metro Museum Network of the Villages of Marca, born in 2023 on the initiative of the Marche Region and which unites Montalto delle Marche (lead municipality), Monte Rinaldo (FM) and Monte San Martino (MC). Furthermore, it was also the occasion for officially present the Museum Network and the logo that will identify it from now on, all in the presence of the regional councilor for Culture Chiara Biondi, the director of Productive Activities of the Marche Region Daniela Tisi, the three mayors of the municipalities of the Museum Network (Daniel Matricardi, Gianmario Borroni and Matteo Pompei), and the director Tommaso Strinati, in addition to the artists chosen for this residency project.
From December 2024 to July 2025 Montalto delle Marche will host three residences – as part of the larger project “Metroborgo MontaltoLab” – and the artists will operate in all three Municipalities of the Museum Network. The residencies are coordinated and curated by the director Tommaso Strinati, who for this initiative has chosen three young artists characterize yourself with experiences important at a national level and from very different languages from each other: will open the residences Ludovica Sitajolo (Rome, 1995) who has always worked through environmental installations, choosing everyday and recycled materials. He will follow Anna Budkova (Moscow, 1986) figurative and landscape painter, author of video art, who has been working for years on research that unites the memory of the ancient with contemporary language, and finally it will be the turn of Carlos Atoche (Lima, 1984) Peruvian known internationally as a street artist but also an easel painter who manages to express, thanks to his origins, dramaturgy and deformity that have their origins in Mexican Muralism.
So, between the echoes of Carlos Atoche's muralism, the environmental installations of Ludovica Sitajolo and the large environmental works of Anna
Budkova, Montalto delle Marche, Monte San Martino and Monte Rinaldo will acquire beauty, opening up to the world of contemporary art and hospitality, like true patrons of the arts of other times. Each of the artists guests will have at their disposal four weeks to complete the works, some of which – once completed – will remain available to the municipalities of the Museum Network to enter their respective civic collections.
Furthermore, until January 6, 2025, at the main floor of Palazzo Paradisi in Montalto delle Marche, it will be possible to learn more about the works by selected artists, thanks to the exhibition dedicated to the sketches and studies specifically created by them to document the interventions conceived for the villages. The exhibition will be open to visitors free of charge.
"The Metro Network Museum of the Villages of Marca, which connects Montalto delle Marche, Monte Rinaldo and Monte San Martino, represents a virtuous example of how cooperation between small municipalities can generate extraordinary opportunities for our territories. Born thanks to a project promoted by the Marche Region to enhance in an integrated and aggregated way the places and cultural institutions of our villages, this network is the concrete demonstration of how tradition and innovation can dialogue.
Montalto delle Marche, as the lead municipality, has been able to fully grasp the potential of this strategic vision, also winning the tender for pilot projects for the cultural, social and economic regeneration of the PNRR villages. And it is precisely within this context that the Residenze project was born, an initiative capable of bringing contemporary art into dialogue with our historical and cultural heritage. The Residences are not only an opportunity to create new works of art, but an innovative model to bring our villages to life through culture. It is a testimony to the value of the industriousness and creativity of our small towns, which thus become the engine of development and custodians of a cultural heritage that looks to the future." - points out the Councilor for Culture of the Marche Region, Chiara Biondi.
“I have always believed in the potential of networks and culturally based development, ever since I was advisor to the Minister of Culture,
I had the opportunity to conduct a study in the commission for the integrated management of cultural heritage through museum networks and territorial systems. Today the valorization of cultural heritage online has become a practical reality in the Marche with the cultural aggregations project and the support for the figure of the network directorA brilliant example of this is the quality of the design presented today by the museum network Metro museo dei borghi di marca, a reality that I hope can grow even more and bring together other municipalities, in addition to the three extraordinary villages of Monte San Martino, Monte Rinaldo and Montalto delle Marche” – adds the Manager of Productive Activities of the Marche Region, Daniela Tisi.
"The artistic residency is a tool aimed at experiencing art by involving the participating artists and the community that hosts them, and I believe it represents the most effective and simple way to promote contemporary art and make the Network known Museum that I have the honor of directing. This project therefore takes on a pioneering and experimental character because each artist will be able to take inspiration from the historical and fascinating places such as those of the host villages, to develop forms and works that recall their deepest soul" - thus the director of the museum network, Tommaso Strinati.
“We have the opportunity, once again, to commit ourselves to the arts and culture in Montalto and for this I thank the
director of the Metro Network Museum of the Villages of Marca, Tommaso Strinati, and the Marche Region for the opportunity to be part of a network based on the effective idea of bringing together small municipalities in the Marche region that are very rich in works, to unite them in aggregations that recall similar historical and cultural roots. United, the municipalities can promote their cultural resources in a more structured way, and I therefore believe that with this initiative we can see the first concrete fruits of a new way of living and making the villages live through culture and art" – declares the Mayor of Montalto delle Marche, Daniel Matricardi.
“The Municipality of Monte Rinaldo has joined with conviction the Metro museum network of the Marca Villages, believing that uniting cultural deposits full of history will lead to the best valorization of our centuries-old heritage. The “residences” project of the network director, Tommaso Strinati, demonstrates that Contemporary art is one of the best tools to offer new perspectives on our ancient villages, enlivening them with projects that engage with local communities and the complexity of the historical stratification that distinguishes them. The hope is that initiatives such as artistic residences can be regular over time and bring new visitors and lovers of beauty to our region" – adds the mayor of Monte Rinaldo, Gianmario Borroni.
"I am particularly satisfied with this first initiative of the Metro Museum Network of the Villages of Marca, of which the Municipality of Monte San Martino is part. The artistic residences will allow us to better understand historical places of great value and importance, such as the Armindo Ricci art gallery of our municipality, thanks to the commitment of young artists who, through contemporary language, will offer a new point of view on the historical and artistic heritage that we preserve and valorize with pride thanks to the involvement of the entire community. The collaboration with the director, Tommaso Strinati, is bringing important results to the municipalities of the museum network that I hope will continue over time" – he concludes the mayor of Monte San Martino, Matteo Pompei.
The initiative is part of the numerous artistic and cultural activities aimed at recovering and enhancing the cultural heritage, material and immaterial, of the project “Metroborgo MontaltoLab – Presidato di Civiltà Future”, financed by the PNRR “Attractiveness of the Villages” of the Ministry of Culture – Line A.
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