Bomba (CH), homage to the photographer of artists and Land Art

15 16 and October

Bomba (CH), tribute to the photographer of artists and Land Art.

A Bomb (Ch) he grew up and had it in his heart. And whenever he could, he left them USA, where he had settled, and returned to the small town of Sangro Valley. Who, now, has decided to return that affection by dedicating a festival to him. For this reason, next October 15th and 16th, a Bomb, the first edition of the “Gianfranco Gorgoni Fest”. The appointment was presented in Province in Chieti, in the presence of the artistic director, Massimiliano Brutti; of the mayor of Bomba, Raffaele Nasuti; from Roberto Colacioppo, president of the Jury of the contest organized for the occasion, and of journalist Stanislao Liberatore. "Gianfranco Gorgoni had a particular bond with Bomba, with whom he was one - begins Nasuti - and together we were carrying out projects... But, in 2019, his death canceled everything... Now we have decided, together with the NaturArte association, to promote this event focused on his figure and his work, well known abroad, less so in Abruzzo".

Gorgons He is a world-famous photographer who has worked for numerous European and American magazines. “Thanks to the collaboration with the gallery owner Leo Castelli - Explains Massimiliano Brutti - he met and photographed artists such as Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, John Chamberlain, Joseph Beuys, Robert Smithson… He dedicated himself to Land Art. In Chile during the presidency of Salvador Allende, documented the events that led to the fall of the Government. He was friends with Fidel Castro with whom, among other things, he created the book “Cuba Mi Amor” with the preface by Gabriel García Márquez, lyrics by Fidel Castro". In 2000 a Bomb he purchased an old farmhouse to create the headquarters of his Foundation. “A unique character and professional – he remarks Ugly – which we want to tell, in its thousand facets. We have been working on this project for about a year and a half, which is now coming to fruition, thanks to the municipal administration and his daughter Maya Gorgoni, which will come specially from you United States".

Il Festival kicks off on October 15th, at 9am, at Bomba Ethnographic Museum, with the study conference “Gianfranco Gorgoni: the photographer disputed by artists“, with speakers coming from all over Italy and also from abroad and who they have known and worked with Gorgons. Speakers Alberto Dambruoso, art historian; Alberto Baccari, graphic designer and artist; Luca Maria Venturi, journalist and art critic who will also be present, with his own speech, in the afternoon session; Davide Faccioli, founder of Photology; Sofia Bianchini, digital artist; Michele Ciribifera, sculptor; Sandro Curcio Valentini, architect. Moderate the journalist Stanislao Liberatore.

In the afternoon, from 15.30 pm, new meeting entitled "From New York to Bomba. Gianfranco Gorgoni everyone's friend“. Word to some friends, even from childhood, of the photographer, that is Giuseppe De Cinque, Giuseppe Caniglia, Ettore Paolucci (graphic designer and entrepreneur), Giuseppe Di Padova (photographer) to Franco D'Amico. Opens theCouncilor for Culture of the Municipality of Bomba, Marinella Fioriti. At 18.30 pm aperitif on the Plan of the Tower, Bomb, with tasting of the company's wines Cantina Frentana. At 20pm screening of “POP ART USA“, Photology Air: it is a documentary about Pop Art negli United States made by Gorgons e Giulio Cingoli in 1979. It closes at 21pm, with live music from ANCESTRAL CHAMBER MUSIC, Namely Maria Chiara Papale, soprano; Leila Vinciguerra, flute; Angelo Centofanti, oboe; Sandra Rojas, cello e Antonella Salvatore, piano and artistic direction. Scheduled "Oscar-winning music“, compositions by Morricone, Cipriani, Rota, Piovani, Zimmer, Arlen, Mancini, Djawad, Webber.

On October 16th we begin at 9.30, with the award ceremony, in the town hall, of the winners of the photography competition "Montagna Madre – Homage to Gianfranco Gorgoni” 2022. The most beautiful works will be exhibited in Common, where they will remain on display for a few weeks. After the interventions of Roberto Colacioppo e Maya Gorgoni, there will be the announcement and award ceremony of the winners, with a projection of the photographs. At 11.30 am walk through the places in the historic center dear to Gianfranco Gorgoni. Illustrates theactor Icks Borea. Lunch break for those present Piazza “G. Matteotti” with tasting of the company's wines Cantina Frentana and closing of Festival. "A special thank you - he concludes Ugly - goes to all sponsors: Trabocco Pesce Palombo and Lido Pesce Palombo; PescarAbruzzo Foundation, Spazio Vetro, Oleificio Andreassi, Macrotel, Cantina Frentana e Delights Casolane Catering".

Bomba (CH), omaggio al fotografo degli artisti e della Land Art

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