Benevento, the “Vittorio Emmanuele” municipal theater reopens

Inaugurated in the presence of the Mayor

Benevento, the “Vittorio Emmanuele” municipal theater reopens.

This morning the opening and inauguration ceremony of the "Vittorio Emmanuele" municipal theater took place in the presence of the mayor, administrators and civil and religious authorities. 

During the event, the administrators thanked the Interregional Public Works Authority of Campania, Molise, Puglia and Basilicata, for having brought the city's historic and important theater structure back to its former glory, as well as the Banca Popolare Pugliese for the economic support given to the realization of the inaugural event.

Finally, the Rotary Club of Benevento which instead supported the restoration of the bust of Ermete Novelli who, as is known, suffered a heart attack during a performance in the “Vittorio Emmanuele” Theater - the last of his career and died shortly thereafter.

The Theatre, before the redevelopment intervention carried out by the Interregional Public Works Authority of Campania, Molise, Puglia and Basilicata, presented various deficiencies due to wear and the deterioration in performance of the finishes and systems, as the main recovery intervention had been performed a quarter of a century earlier. For this reason it was closed at the end of the first decade of the 2000s.

The renovation intervention

Therefore, it was necessary to proceed with the adaptation of the fire prevention system, the revision of the anti-intrusion and air conditioning systems, the maintenance of the light fixtures as well as the verification and bringing the electrical system up to standard. Furthermore, the lift system and wooden window frames were reviewed and adapted, as well as the wooden parquet flooring in the dressing room area was removed.

The false ceiling in the office area was then removed and replaced and the damaged plaster and paintwork was renovated. The roof terrace was also renovated and new terminals of the rainwater drains were installed, as well as the toilet facilities were adapted.  Finally, it should be noted that in the theater the art photographs taken from historical moments of the "Città Spettacolo" festival and the images of the posters with the artistic logos of the various editions of the important theater festival have been placed again.

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